Monday, December 17, 2007

New Forecasts Coming! / New Ideas!

In response to my last blog, I have gotten numerous requests to start publishing Tarot Forecasts again. I hear you. I will start again soon. I do realize the value of these forecasts, and I appreciate everyone who has requested their return. I am on it and you shall see forecasts again shortly...

In the meantime, I would like to bring attention to everyone, that you are welcome and encouraged to communicate with me via my blog. Click the link immediately following any post, and it opens a message box to send me a message. What are your comments? What are your spiritual questions? I would like to start a DEAR TERRY colum right here on my blog. If you would like to submit a question, something that you would ask in front of the whole world, and have me answer you via Blog Post.

I am wanting to experiment with a BLOG Discussion as well sort of a Forum! I will be posting a question and I ask that everyone checking in all over the world, let me know what you think. I will post your comments, and add my own as well. Let's get involved in spiritual conversation via this wonderful medium of BLOG.

Start sending your questions!!! Post them HERE, I will post my response!!!

If you want to submit a Dear Terry... Put Dear Terry as the Header!!!

Be thoughtful, this is a worldwide blogcast. Be kind, we are trying to promote love and spiritual growth at this site. If you feel you have support, or want to comment to a post submitted by someone else, let's share and grow together.

Love and Light,
