I am ecstatic to tell you about the latest service I have launched. It is called:
Wisdom on the Run. It is a very powerful way in which you can receive your own personal reading, easily, conveniently, without even picking up the phone, or coming to the office. Wisdom on the Run is designed for your busy lifestyle. Maybe it is not convenient for you to come in for a reading. Maybe you don't even time to have a phone session, or even book one. Wisdom on the Run is the answer to this issue.
Wisdom on the Run is a e-mail based reading system. You click the Wisdom on the Run tab in the upper right hand corner of the BLOG and it will direct you to a purchase page. Here you may actually look at a sample of the product. The price of your reading is determined by the number of questions you ask.
In making your purchase, you are given an area to write your questions for me. Upon completion of your purchase these questions are sent to me immediately. I take the time to study your questions and to draw from the tarot and sources of spirit to give you the most concise answer possible. Your reply is put together in a very attractive written format, complete with copies of the cards drawn. Your reading is created on its own unique web link, which is sent to you and archived indefinitely. You can review your Tarot with Terry Wisdom on the Run reading as often as you like, or forward it to anyone you like. I hope you will agree that this is a great service. It is just now being launched. Try it today.
To get your e-reading with Wisdom on the Run at a special introductory price, simply click the WISDOM ON THE RUN tab on the upper right hand corner of the BLOG next to the counter. You will be directed to the Wisdom on the Run secure shopping cart for processing. You may also go directly to the link by typing the following link into your browser: http://www.terryyoder.com/wisdom.html