My entire decision to become a reader was to offer loving assistance through the use of my spiritual gifts. It is always a pleasure to be of service. It is always a blessing to be a part of beautiful changes, and recreations in the lives of others. I am thankful to all you, who let me know on a regular basis that I am loved and appreciated, and want to tell you that your appreciation is most helpful, and I sincerely thank you.
I would like to announce a new BLOG project called DEAR TERRY. It will work very much the way advise columns would work in any newspaper, only the response would be from me, by blog post, and viewable to everyone everywhere who ever reads my BLOG. People can comment in via post as well. This would be a wonderful form of spiritual communication and assistance for growth.
Once this post is up you may feel free to submit your DEAR TERRY questions to me, and then can find your reply post right here. My sense is to say, a question you may have may be shared by hundreds or thousands of people around the world. You may be the one who has the courage to ask. Your question, my answers, our communication, may just help someone else in a similar process. What a wonderful way to play it forward. Let's communicate and help eachother all over the world.
To submit a DEAR TERRY question for review, and posting with response simply click the pencil or the word comment directly below this article. This gives you the ability to post a comment or question. I'll happily post my response to your comment via re posting here on the BLOG.
Please do not send anything you do not want to see in print. There is a strong worldwide audience. Let's promote some wonderful spiritual growth.
I am so very excited!!!
Love and Light,