We end the month of June with the Two of Cups. The two of cups is the representation of excellence in communication. This card also falls to represent that timing is perfect for evolution in relationships. It is important under the influence of the two of cups to maintain communication on the highest level of integrity possible. Say what you need to say, but work to say it in the most loving way possible, without any cords of spite, anger, or bitterness. If these types of cords exist in a circumstance, they have a very high probability to be felt with clear intensity, and to affect outcomes of communication. This is a card of love, and forgiveness, and can represent the fortitude to begin new relationships. It is important to know that the love with which you communicate will flow back to you ten times over. If cords to negative withheld emotions are present, it will be easy for those emotions to be transmitted in your communications. Forgive and let go... Allowing negatives into communication will allow those negatives to swell at a rate of ten time over as well... I can guarantee that keeping things in the aspects of love will prove to be the best possible scenario.
Love and Light,