I am overjoyed to say that SCHEDULING ONLINE is now in place, and operational for any dates beginning January 1, 2008. This is a big step for me and my practice. There are some potential blips when a change is made to an automated system. I appreciate your patience as the transition is made. You will be amazed at the higher level of customer service that will be available to you, through this automated system:
My hope of course, to make my professional services available as conveniently, and at good value as possible. Although most of us have cell phones, and are in communication, we often miss one another, and end up playing telephone tag for days and days. I am confident that YOU will be most pleased with Online Scheduling. There are valuable and time savings advantages to Online Scheduling. Here are just a few:
Appointment Scheduling 360 days forward
Wait listing
Change Schedule/Reschedule
Automated Cancellation
E-mail Notifications of:
Appointment Reminder
Confirmation of Cancellation
Automated Wait list Processing
E-Mail Wait list Clearance Notification
And Much much more...
Over the next few weeks the color and text, pictures and image is going to be changing. Again, your patience is appreciated in this great transition. If you have suggestions, I appreciate them immensely.
To use Automated Scheduling click the link in the upper right: Schedule Online
Once at the link, you will be prompted to register with the scheduler. Once registered, you will be able to log in and take advantage of the benefits of this service. I am excited and know you will love Online Scheduling.
You can still contact the office by phone or e-mail to make appointments as well!
It is always as usual, a joy and pleasure to be of service!
Happy Holidays!
Love and Light,