Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Special on 2009 Life Path Readings!!!

Greetings Shift Happens!

Happy 2009!!!  (I have a SPECIAL OFFER!!!)

The arrival of this new year is a powerful
shift.   Last year was a "1" year  
in numerology, which represents new beginnings and pursuits, putting the wheels in motion, and clearing old obstacles that had hindered us in our pursuits of the new.  

The powerful transition that has taken
place is that we have transited from
a "1" year to an "11" year.  11, being 
a double digit is a master number.  
It does not reduce by adding the two
ones together. 

This numerical mastery is a powerful
transitory process, like going from 
neutral into turbo overdrive.  It is a
very power packed time to really push
forward and achieve in new pursuits. 

The clearing that has happened, is evident
in what is stated about the economy, and it is
a GLOBAL transition happening. 
It is an exciting time. 

That having been said, I want to offer you
an opportunity to see what is in store for you
this powerful "11" year.  

As a 2009 special, I will offer 
2009 Life Path Readings at a special rate of $95.00.  
These readings are a compact power pack of 
information about past, present, and future,
and specifically what you can expect this 
year.  It is a standard 10 card spread
reading followed by a 36 card year forecast,
that looks at your life month by month
throughout the year 2009.
All this is offered to YOU at a special
rate saving you up to $65.00.   

must be booked "ONLINE" at:

Confirm your appointment as follows:

When choosing SERVICE select either:

Home Office) 2009 Life Path Reading Special
This is for in person consultations at my
home office. 

(Telephone Consultation) 2009 Life Path Reading Special
This is for consultations over the phone.

This special expires 
February 9, 2009 
ALL appointments must be scheduled prior to 
the above expiration date.

I look so forward to offering this new
special service.  Reserve yours today!

Love and Light,

Terry Yoder