The following is a spirit writing which came to me on January 5, 2008. I have reviewed it, but have not edited any of the contents. I welcome your comments.
I came as but a prophet , way before my time.
I came as a light.
The agreement I made with this Universe, as a whole, for this incarnation, was to show up, out of my league, in the face of danger, in a world full of obscurity, confusion, corruption, and collision, I came but to shine a (the) light of peace, of love, and of unity, and pray that all would see., allowing no man, no woman, no child, no race, to ever remain in darkness, who desires to not remain in darkness. I came trusting the belief that all others carried within themselves, the undeniable hope and desire to do the same.
One Light
One Heart
One Soul … One by one…
All one in the light of unity,
With liberty, and justice for all.
The age that passes away must see
Its great success, and gauge its progress,
Not bound by goals left unachieved.
Age unfolding:
Illuminated now seeing clearly the radiance of truth.
That all are one, and one are all in the essence of equality.
One can be as one chooses to be, but with the wisdom and
Responsibility that those quickened do clearly see all intention
Fully in sight,
By their light.
That which is as separating the wheat from the chaff
Is to achieve and dwell well and freely, as opposed to
Extinguishing all energy in an attempt to convince others
That One has been created instead of still being in creation.
And then truth: That Creation is Eternal, all are one,
one are all, and all shall always be
Evolving, at a directed pace, until all lights shine equally.
Intention is the flame.