Today's card of the day is the TWO OF CUPS. What a wonderful card. This card is especially great in the energies of good communications. It is probable that now that we are moving quickly towards a Mercury retrograde, which will start in just a few days, that we receive this blessed reminder of spirit to maintain positive energies in our ability to communicate quite effectively. It is important with this card as our guide, to really take care in our communications. Be impeccable in our words, check our intentions for a higher greatness, as well as not taking things too personally. The two of cups asks us to bring love into our communication, say what needs to be said, but find the best way to say it, so as to have the greatest result. As long as love is in your intention, you have nothing to concern you. This is also a great time for those seeking to start new relationships. Throw away your list of requirements and take a chance. Love is probably a lot closer than you think. Do not second guess yourself. Step out in faith. Have fun.
Love and Light,