I recently started a tremendous class in college. The class, The History of Ethnic People in California. I am thoroughly enjoying all that I am learning about the settlement of California.
Since we have only had three classes, we are just now getting ready to leave the first section, which is the history of the Native California Indians. Something I learned about the California Indians was something that I had known of the plains Indians, and the Hawaiian people as well; hearing this, opened a process of relearning that has deeply amazed me.
When the Spanish arrived in California, there were over three hundred tribes of native Indians who spoke more than one hundred different languages. They loved the earth, and every act was an act of sacredness. Men or Women could be chieftains. Men or Women could be Elders. Men or Women could be Shaman, as well.
In addition to this, the Native California Indians recognized people of trans-gender as well. These highly regarded and honored souls were called Two-Spirits. The signification that the spirit of both male and female embodied one being. The Indians looked for this in children, and let them choose their own gender. These two-spirited beings were honored as being very artistic, communicative, and highly sensitive, spiritual beings. They were honored as who they were, and often were Shaman or held other high posts among the tribes and triblets. Additionally, among the Native Indians, Two-Spirits were often sought for marriage. Among the tribes of the first inhabitants of the land we now call our own, Men and Women were equally empowered to choose a life partner of either sex, and all could marry and were recognized as equal.
It lives in the land we call our home. This blooming here is pure Agape. This to me is a phenomenally pure expression of Love Without Conditions that we potentially approach. I know this article may offend some, but I ask you to continue with an open mind, and open heart. This is not just an issue of Men with Men and Women with Women.
Our land's Native people trusted and looked after each other. They respected EVERYTHING that is, and viewed everything as SACRED, every moment of every day. Every act, even the simple act of taking a drink from a clear crystal brook, was an act of spiritual gratitude; a special thanks to creator / source for the extension of life. Every stone, every tree, every animal, every being was viewed in its full sacredness and connected to creator / source.
This too, struck me as very powerful. These people, who the Europeans called heathen, lived their lives in spiritual balance with the land that supported them, in harmony with one another. These people were living the law of attraction every minute of every day, and if you could imagine, they could not fathom the slightest possibility of lack... They loved the earth, they honored their land, and their neighbors, and they loved without conditions, and they trusted source to provide for them all they would need to live and to thrive.
California natives were peace loving tribes with the exception of a few to the South. We today are shooting people for driving in front of us on the freeway. I think I choose the prior.
This is just a reminder, that our call is to love and respect one another, live in the promise that all our needs are met, and honor the land we call our home, and yields us life, with gratitude.
We need to honor every person who enters our life for the purpose that they come. We need to be graciously happy for each and every individual for who they are, what is special about them, that they have found the love of their life, and they are happy, and choose to share their life and energy together, regardless of their sexes.
I personally think this model is much better than that that we have been taught to create for ourselves. I choose to put my energies into the full expression of true AGAPE. I am not perfect, but I am growing every day!
I hope this gentle reminder finds you in a position of loving yourself as much as you can, so you can love the rest of us just as much...