From the original Tarot with Terry newsletter, I am certain that many of you may remember writings I had published from my dearest friend and spiritual mentor, Ron Bailey. I met Ron, years ago, when I had my practice on Market Street in San Francisco. We were instantly connected from the moment of meeting. We had so much in common in our spiritual beliefs and practices, and we had both lived for quite some time in Ohio.
You have not heard me refer to Ron for quite sometime. The truth is, Ron has been tested these past years like no other spiritual person I know. We are very much in a time in which spiritual people are being tested like never before; for the purposes of breaking down our illusions, and to yield our abilities to live in faith in God and Spirit. Ron's story, and a recent message that I received from him are such an inspiration that I felt a great need to share it with you here on my blog.
Ron's Story: Ron had been living in Sacramento, California, until a few years ago. He had worked for years as director of numerous federally subsidized medical institutions, and nursing homes. He was the best their was. He had an impeccable record. He had been awarded with the complete turn around of a facility in Sacramento that was facing closure due to so many state violations. Ron came in contracted to change the performance of this location, and did. The facility literally went from the worst on the list to the best on the list in a very short period of time.
One day early in the year a few years back, Ron answered the door of his Sacramento home to be greeted by federal agents, who arrested him, charging him with misuse of federal funds and embezzlement at a facility he had not worked at for nearly 20 years.
The truth of the matter is that an employee of his, from 20 years ago, had been caught committing this crime, but the federal legal system offered her a deal if she could point the finger at someone "bigger" so to speak, and she pointed to Ron Bailey. This woman advised federal agents that Ron had told her to, and taught her to commit this crime.
Ron was arrested, released, and after about a year went to trial for a crime he did not commit. I know of his innocence in my heart, my soul, and my spirit. His case was heared in federal court in district four, Southeast Virginia, the most conservative district in the United States.
During Ron's trial he was subjected to many violations of his civil rights, as he was introduced as a homosexual from Sacramento, California, accompanied by his Latino lover. The prosecution named Ron's partner as a witness for the prosecution, but never called him, because this would prevent him from being able to testify on Ron's behalf. The federal judge who heared his case was noted for falling asleep several times in the course of the trial. The forgeries made by Ron's accuser were completely of no affect in the case, although both sides knew she had committed the forgeries against Ron.
Ron was indicted for the crime he did not commit, and during his sentencing his sleepy federal judge recited testimonies and the names of witnesses who had not even testified or been involved in Ron's case in any way. All the same, Ron Bailey was sentenced to five years in a federal penitentiary in Southern California where he is still currently incarcerated, but continuing to work fervently on his case.
At the same time he was fighting this fight in court Ron was bitten, on the arch of his foot, by a brown recluse spider. The bite of this spider is particularly horrible, and can lead to the loss of limbs, and the loss of life in some instances. In the course of fighting his federal case, he also endured over a year of surgeries, medical procedures, and hospitalizations. The bite of the spider weakened Ron's heart and merely days before having to report for incarceration, he had to have a pacemaker put in to save his life.
Ron has served over two years of his sentence for a crime he did not commit. He has struggled with the medical systems of the U.S. Federal Prison System. He is now getting his health back and doing better physically.
I have received several e-mails from Ron over the past two years of his incarceration. In readings I had given him, I was told by spirit that there was a reason for his imprisonment, and that he would be working with a new group of people. That is exactly what Ron has done during these last years of incarceration. He has led numerous people to the reality of spirit, and brought unconditional love to men of all types. From the very beginning other inmates were drawn to Ron, and he has been doing an amazing job spreading and teaching the love of the CHRIST energy in prison.
I personally have been quite challenged over the past year. It has been a very hard year and my life has become quite unrecognizable in most ways. I keep working at staying in spirit and manifesting positivity, but I am in the human experience as all of you are, and I too am subject to anger, and fears as well. It hurts when I am betrayed, it hurts when dreams change, it hurts when people misconstrue or simply can not see the spirit of love that I work so hard to allow to flow from me unfettered. Thus, the message from Ron Bailey. I recently got a nice e-mail from Ron and responded spilling my guts about my recent transitions, my fears, and sadness. Ron responded beautifully with a message that immediately created a shift in my life, and it is this message I feel so strongly to share with the people of earth, as again, we all, and our planet is being most challenged in these times.
The following is Ron's message to me:Sweetheart, I have had many awakening experiences within my soul while in here. I have had the opportunity to read, meditate, counsel others through readings and just down to earth talks. I have found people of like interests who desire to grow. Men of wealth, poor men, young men, middle age and older men are all looking for the same thing. They have an intense desire to find and nurture the peace within them in order that they may live in peace as they remember their connection to God. What an honor it is to share with them. Our vibrational matches connect us. I have also realized a strong connection to the teachings of Science of Mind Church. I read their literature on a regular basis. I have also completed an individual study in A Course In Miracles. It is a tremendous guide towards releasing the mind of ego and staying connected to the Mind of God. It has required discipline and time to complete the study. This has all been a gift for me that is beyond measure. I am looking forward to winning my current case and being released from incarceration. But as long as I remain in here, they have my body, but not my Mind. It belongs to the thoughts of God through Spirit.
As I communicate with family and friends on the "outside", I have come to realize that the most imprisoned anyone can be is within their minds. A friend in VA is homeless after her divorce and moves from friend to friend. My family have their problems. My partner continues to have problems as do other friends. My friend in Houston, writes that she feels like ending her life after a break up with a boy friend. I know that I don't live in denial about my situation now or the situations of the past. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, I believe that God breathed an equal amount of life into everyone of us and created us all equal. I am no different from anyone else. I believe I am moving into a state of awakened living in which I know that for me life is about forgiveness and gratitude. Every eye I look into is a child of God, therefore incapable of hurting me. Every belief we have about another is determined by our perception. I choose to see every encounter with everyone as an opportunity to forgive something within myself or something to celebrate. If I feel irritation from another's actions I know this person is simply awakening an ancient memory within me that is crying to be healed through forgiveness. This person is a mirror for me for which I am grateful. Without saying anything to the person I ask God to forgive me for holding onto this memory and manifesting it by projecting the memory through this individual. I then give the memory to Spirit to clean, clear, purify and transmute into pure divine light. Sweetheart, in a matter of seconds I feel a surge of wonderful energy move through me that I know is forgiving this memory which may have been hiding in my DNA for many lifetimes. The more I forgive the lighter I feel within my Spirit. It is truely wonderful to be free in this respect. Any situation I can't seem to grasp I forgive it. I am told it is just as important to forgive a cold as it is a person. If I fear anything, I forgive the memory of fear. The forgiveness! prayer is something I use within my own mind without the need to bring it to any one's attention because it is my memory that is playing out. We cannot be in charge of our next thought, but we can be in charge of how we allow that thought to play out. Thoughts pop up from our ancient memories and they are not always pretty. But if I am uncomfortable with a thought and it doesn't feel happy, I forgive it and release it for healing.
Know that I love you without doubt in your mind. Know that I wish you peace within. I will always keep you in my thoughts and prayers of light. I know who you are. I know the gifts you have. God breathed life into you, therfore, you are the Mind of God and the Life of God. You are my sister.
Ron I have asked Ron's permission to publish his story and his loving message to me in the hopes that it will touch countless hearts around the globe. Ron gave me his permission to write this article and this is the first run. I apologize if I have inadvertently made any errors. I will be forwarding this full message to Ron and having him check me for accuracy. If there are any adjustments required, I will promptly make those changes and repost.
As you can see, Ron is a pure shining light of God's love, and one of my greatest mentors. The truth is we all walk our walk without anyone know our true understanding, but each of us is equally connected to the love life force of the great creator. Ron's message was a great reminder for me of who I am, and how to cope in a world that in mentality can look most harsh.
It is my hope that this message is a message of light for all who receive it. As always, I welcome your contact, your responses, your thought and needs. The purpose of my blog is to bring light to the world, we are all in the human condition, helping one another is our greatest gift. I love you all...