Today's card, The Chariot, is the foremost card of movement. This is a refreshing card to receive at the end of the week, as it strongly represents that a new wave of energy is upon us, and possibilities are high for a fresh new outlook, or new perspective. The Chariot promises motivation. Many have reported a sense of low energy of recent. It is highly possible that moving forward the majority will notice additional energy in their movement through everyday life. The Chariot will also work strongly in one's favor in the process of motivating actions that have been stagnate. This could help free up some energies and actually start showing some significant results. Results are what has been hoped for and worked for. Know now that most likely they are beginning to be on their way. Cherish all the newness brought in by The Chariot. His intention is to lift you forward into a position of much higher vibration. Careful you do not resist the very energy that is coming to be of service. Allow yourself to be motivated. Allow yourself the luxury of a new perspective. Let the creative, and stabilizing energies flow!
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