The card of the Day today is THe Moon. The Moon, one of the most mysterious cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot. The Moon is the reminder of hidden emotion, and the unspoken. Moon is the essence of the emotional, and the feeling. It is a powerful card to represent the aspect that one's emotions are of value; so much that spirit is working with you at the point of the emotional, at this time, to help bring clarity, and understanding. Sometimes this process can be blissful, and sometimes it can be brutal. Embrace this process, despite how it feels. The quicker one goes in, the quicker one can come out. The Moon expresses today to allow the feelings at the depths of your soul to flow gently to the surface. The purpose is to conduct a review of each, bring unfinished processes to completion, and allow us to release all the emotional waste left behind. As we approach Friday's Full Moon the emotional self could become more and more sensitive. Analize all that you see, without self judgement. Allow yourself to truly determine before speaking, that which is real, and that which is illusion. Remember, we are under the energy of a Mercury Retrograde, which does effect the way we see, and interpret communications. Be all the more gentle with yourself today through the end of the comming weekend. Connect with the feminine, or seek counsel from it. Breathe DEEPLY...
Love and Light,
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