Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy Holidays

I have had limited internet conncection this Holiday Season, thus the delay in saying Happy Holidays. New Posts are in progress, until then... Joyous Holidays.


Saturday, December 22, 2007

My Yule Time Meditation Message

I gave myself the gift of a deep meditation this evening in the celebration of Yule.
The experience was so cleansing, and the vision so clear. My meditation immediately shifted to vision, which is always the BEST! My vision was this:

I saw myself in my office chair. I saw myself with a buzzing energy about myself, the vision shifted then to show me an evolution in my readings that I am approaching. The image that I saw it appeared to me as if I was being surrounded by a vibrant cord of light, and that cord sealed around my aura, as information flowed through me as a vessel. The light, the color, was utterly amazing. I welcome that image of divine protection, and clear understanding. The colors were vivid and the energy was amazing... I

I wanted to thank the Universe publicly for such a divine healing!

A fellow reader recently enscribed her book for me and said not to forget that you are part of the miracle. Amen...

To each miracle out there - Thanks for showing up to share the planet.

Love and Light,


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Dear Terry:

This is the first Dear Terry posting. To read my response, click the word comments at the conclusion of this article. You may also leave your comments to Worried Guy, and to me as well... I greatly appreciate all feedback.

I don't know if this is relevant to this.....but everyone I know and I like as a person has had a bad year of 2007 and although there is hope in sight, but it seems like things are moving slow.....then when I combine this with other bigger problems that affect a larger population like global warming, impending slow down in economy, war, terrorism....it is difficult to imagine a truly happy time in the near future.....am I being too pessimistic? what do you think?

-Worried Guy-

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


My entire decision to become a reader was to offer loving assistance through the use of my spiritual gifts. It is always a pleasure to be of service. It is always a blessing to be a part of beautiful changes, and recreations in the lives of others. I am thankful to all you, who let me know on a regular basis that I am loved and appreciated, and want to tell you that your appreciation is most helpful, and I sincerely thank you.
I would like to announce a new BLOG project called DEAR TERRY. It will work very much the way advise columns would work in any newspaper, only the response would be from me, by blog post, and viewable to everyone everywhere who ever reads my BLOG. People can comment in via post as well. This would be a wonderful form of spiritual communication and assistance for growth.

Once this post is up you may feel free to submit your DEAR TERRY questions to me, and then can find your reply post right here. My sense is to say, a question you may have may be shared by hundreds or thousands of people around the world. You may be the one who has the courage to ask. Your question, my answers, our communication, may just help someone else in a similar process. What a wonderful way to play it forward. Let's communicate and help eachother all over the world.

To submit a DEAR TERRY question for review, and posting with response simply click the pencil or the word comment directly below this article. This gives you the ability to post a comment or question. I'll happily post my response to your comment via re posting here on the BLOG.

Please do not send anything you do not want to see in print. There is a strong worldwide audience. Let's promote some wonderful spiritual growth.

I am so very excited!!!

Love and Light,


Monday, December 17, 2007

New Forecasts Coming! / New Ideas!

In response to my last blog, I have gotten numerous requests to start publishing Tarot Forecasts again. I hear you. I will start again soon. I do realize the value of these forecasts, and I appreciate everyone who has requested their return. I am on it and you shall see forecasts again shortly...

In the meantime, I would like to bring attention to everyone, that you are welcome and encouraged to communicate with me via my blog. Click the link immediately following any post, and it opens a message box to send me a message. What are your comments? What are your spiritual questions? I would like to start a DEAR TERRY colum right here on my blog. If you would like to submit a question, something that you would ask in front of the whole world, and have me answer you via Blog Post.

I am wanting to experiment with a BLOG Discussion as well sort of a Forum! I will be posting a question and I ask that everyone checking in all over the world, let me know what you think. I will post your comments, and add my own as well. Let's get involved in spiritual conversation via this wonderful medium of BLOG.

Start sending your questions!!! Post them HERE, I will post my response!!!

If you want to submit a Dear Terry... Put Dear Terry as the Header!!!

Be thoughtful, this is a worldwide blogcast. Be kind, we are trying to promote love and spiritual growth at this site. If you feel you have support, or want to comment to a post submitted by someone else, let's share and grow together.

Love and Light,


Friday, December 14, 2007

OnLine Scheduling Up and Running Beautifully

!!!Just a happy note to state that ONLINE SCHEDULING is up and running beautifully. I have received a few notices of some difficulty, and I welcome those who are having trouble to call me at my office, or e-mail me and let me know what problems you are having. I will happily walk you through the process over the phone. I am working to get an instruction sheet printed up as a reference. My intention in moving scheduling online is to make the process even more simple, and add benefits like waitlisting, e-mail confirmations, and reminders. It is an exciting venture moving forward. Please do not hesitate to alert me to any problems you are having. It is the best way for me to be aware of any adjustments that might need to be put in place. Again, I thank all of you for your continued love and support.


Important Schedule Change Information

The shift to Online Scheduling is a huge one for me, but this shift is also partnered with a huge change in my schedule, and office hours. Here, in brief, is what is happening:

I started back to college a few years ago and am working toward a Psychology Degree. I am loving school, and happily carrying a good 3.75 GPA. This next semester, I plan to take a larger class load, and that is making some change in schedule.

In May, I started to have office ours at 2 other venues on varying Fridays. This has been wonderful for me. I have been well received and am currently looking to create a Friday a month in two new locations: Fresno and Santa Cruz.

In June, I moved from my home in Pacifica to a cute apartment in the Outer Sunset near the Zoo. I have decided to start offering office hours from my home office as well as the main office in the Castro.

Moreover, there are other changes that have occurred that are of even greater importance. The Shift Happens Center/Office is now being shared. Not only is SHIFT HAPPENS the base of my work and ministry, but it has also become the base and ministry for Reverend Drew Vogt and The NEWLIFE SPIRITUALIST COMMUNITY. The Church is already seeking larger church space, but has come home to SHIFT HAPPENS to make themselves a base, and satellite location in which to have personal consultations, and base for classes and workshops offered by the community.

All these wonderful changes at the end of a "9" year of conclusion feels really right to me. I must say I am excited that Shift Happens.

Here are changes to Schedule and Office Hours:

My Schedule:

Monday - Home Office Available Hours 12:00 P.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Outer Sunset (One Block Off "L-TARAVAL at 40th Avenue)

Tuesday - Wednesday - CASTRO OFFICE -

Available Hours:
Tuesday 1:30 P.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Wednesday 12:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M

Thursday - HOME OFFICE Available Hours 12:00 4:30

Friday Malaya Center Pleasant Hill, CA 12:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. (Every Third Friday)*
Friday Sacred Path Bookstore, San Mateo, CA 12:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. (Every Second and Fourth Friday)*

Saturday - Sunday Expo/On-Tour 10:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. **

*Verify in schedule. Some exceptions exist

**Verify Dates, Locations, and Time

***Possible New Location 2008

So... That sums it all up...
If you have any questions, I welcome you to call or e-mail. I will be happy to assist in any way.

I wish everyone a PEACEFUL, JOYOUS, PROSPEROUS Holiday and HAPPY Year of NEW BEGINNINGS 2008!!!

Love and Light,


P.S. Don't Forget!!! Online Scheduling is now available. Click the link in the upper right of the BLOG...

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Online Scheduling Now Available!!!

I am overjoyed to say that SCHEDULING ONLINE is now in place, and operational for any dates beginning January 1, 2008. This is a big step for me and my practice. There are some potential blips when a change is made to an automated system. I appreciate your patience as the transition is made. You will be amazed at the higher level of customer service that will be available to you, through this automated system:

My hope of course, to make my professional services available as conveniently, and at good value as possible. Although most of us have cell phones, and are in communication, we often miss one another, and end up playing telephone tag for days and days. I am confident that YOU will be most pleased with Online Scheduling. There are valuable and time savings advantages to Online Scheduling. Here are just a few:

Appointment Scheduling 360 days forward
Wait listing
Change Schedule/Reschedule
Automated Cancellation

E-mail Notifications of:

Appointment Reminder
Confirmation of Cancellation
Automated Wait list Processing
E-Mail Wait list Clearance Notification
And Much much more...

Over the next few weeks the color and text, pictures and image is going to be changing. Again, your patience is appreciated in this great transition. If you have suggestions, I appreciate them immensely.

To use Automated Scheduling click the link in the upper right: Schedule Online
Once at the link, you will be prompted to register with the scheduler. Once registered, you will be able to log in and take advantage of the benefits of this service. I am excited and know you will love Online Scheduling.

You can still contact the office by phone or e-mail to make appointments as well!

It is always as usual, a joy and pleasure to be of service!

Happy Holidays!

Love and Light,


Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I am very happy to announce that within the next few days clients from around the world will be able to reserve, confirm, change, and cancel their appointments with me online. This is an option that I have been considering for a long time, but with recent telephone issues, and the high cost of hiring office staff, it just makes sense to me to add the extra convenience of on-line booking... I am so excited about this move toward better service.... Soon, very soon, I will be posting another update that gives all the detailed information and links to the on-line appointment scheduler. If you have ANY questions, or concerns let me know...

Be assured that appointments will still be available via telephone, by calling my office to schedule...

Again, I am excited to be updating my service for you, my clients. It is a joy to bring and even higher level of convenience to your life as well as mine.

Love and Light,


Thursday, December 6, 2007

One of My Predictions Has Come True

Many who have seen me in the past six months have known how concerned I have been about the issues with the United States Economy and the issues with Sub-Prime Mortgages. I have predicted to many clients that there would be a step in by the United States Government in November to offer assistance to victims of the Sub-Prime mortgage. It was formally announced today by the leader of this country that a plan is in motion. Although it will assist only about 750,000 of the millions who are suffering, it is a step in a direction toward some help and work toward more of a stability of the economy.

As you all know, I am a clairvoyant and one of the difficulties in clairvoyance is understanding time correctly. My prediction has come true, 7 days late and outside the month of November, however, talks about this process began in early November.

If you have questions about things in the world that apply to all of us as a whole. Post these questios to my blog. I will be happy to read on them and give my answers.

Love and Light,


Telephone Issues

This week I made an unfortune discovery. My office telephone operates via Vonage service via the internet at my office. Whenever I am out of the office, my phone is always forwarded directly to my cell phone. However, since the middle of October there have been many intermitent incidents in which telephone messages have been
lost, and or misfiled. I just pulled over 70 messages off the voicemail system this week. Anyone who has been calling requesting service and not received a reply. Please call me again. It is very possible that your messages have been lost electronically. I apologize for the inconvenience. This issue, which has been corrected, has caused me numerous problems, and very low work load. I look forward to being of service.

Love and Light,


Purchase Readings and Gift Certificates via Blog

I am happy to announce this additional NEW SERVICE!!! As of today, readings, packages of readings, and gift certificates for my services are now available right here from my blog. To purchase, simply click the link to the right that states:
Give the Gift of Understanding. That will take you to my secure Pay Pal sight and allow you to make your purchases. Keep Checking in... More Services are soon to be added, ie. Online Appointment Scheduling!!!

Have a suggestion how I may better serve my clients? Please post it to my blog.

Love and Light,
