This is the first Dear Terry posting. To read my response, click the word comments at the conclusion of this article. You may also leave your comments to Worried Guy, and to me as well... I greatly appreciate all feedback.
I don't know if this is relevant to this.....but everyone I know and I like as a person has had a bad year of 2007 and although there is hope in sight, but it seems like things are moving slow.....then when I combine this with other bigger problems that affect a larger population like global warming, impending slow down in economy, war, is difficult to imagine a truly happy time in the near I being too pessimistic? what do you think?
-Worried Guy-
Dear Worried Guy:
I am behind you 100%. Working in the field that I do, I see many people a year, and follow the issues that they face on an ongoing basis.
It is true that many report this to be a very difficult year. I too have had numerous struggles this year. Partly, I will say is that we are under the energy of CONCLUSIONS. I will be publishing an article in the next couple of days about the intensity of this year of CONCLUSIONS. This comes from the study of Numerology. 2007 is a year of "9" and that is the energy of conclusion. In many ways this can be like a process of death. This encompasses a major falling away of illusions, and all things that hold us back, and all things we may have involved ourselves with that truly, eventohough we may not see it, of little importance. The "9" energy, it does, however, preceed the energy of "1", which comes into play at the New Year. The energy of "1" is the energy of new beginnings. The energy of "9" is dense, and slow, and sluggish, the energy of "1" is much more light, open, and flowing. We will begin to feel the effects of this shift of energy within the first quarter of the year.
There is a larger population, there is impending global warming, there are energies of a slower economy, and there is war and terrorism. All of these things have been present with us for a very long time, some since the dawn of time. Much focus is put in place on these issues that propogate the negative. Our job is to propogate the positive. In a speaking engagement I did earlier this year, I was asked:
"If the energy of the planet is 80% negative, what hope do we have?" My response from Spirit was "
"that is why we are all here at this time."
I really belive Worriedguy, that this is an opportunity for us to crate a shift in the directions we choose to.
With this movement into the energy of new beginnings, I see also that we are going to need to hold on tight, because there are going to be some very clear insights making themselves known, regarding: War, Economy, Terrorism, Global Warming. It may be hard for us to look at as a nation, or as a planet, but I do believe that it will begin a drift of our energies much more to the positive, and much more to a positive resolve.
I'd suggest that we all get ourselves involved in some way of making positive things happen. Every act continues for eternity, and every act, regardless of how small makes a difference.
Work dilligently to touch the lives of others. Hang in there. Nothing could ever be put on us that we can not weather.
Our challenge, I believe, is to embrace love, in an effort to abolish fear.
Love and Light,
Thanks Terry, very insightful....I am really looking forward to the New Year and will definitely welcome all the changes....
I agree each one of us can become a positive agent of change, but I think for most people the desire (even though it sounds selfish) to do that comes when everything is good on their personal front. The real challenge is to be committed to goodness even when things are not good....
Thanks again for answering my question
That is exactly what is necessary, and our most difficult challenge to undertake. I can speak of this personally. It is so much the sea that I have been living in. This year has been a year of sinking and swimming and sinking and swimming. I have made myself willing to embrace my failures, and my victories equally. As a dear friend told me, earlier in the year: "Just let everything fall away. Let everything die."
This is the lesson I have embraced since January of this year.
Judging the short fall only keeps one stuck at the point of the topple, and limits our ability to go forward and grow. The best cleansing for a forest of redwood is a healthy fire, which grants it
the ability to renew and rebuild.
I am blessing and embracing my own ability, and success to let go and trust. This is and has been one of my most difficult lessons and one, I welcome learning and leaving quite frankly :-) , my joy is that with each and every breath I take, I am learning, and I embrace patience with myself in the process of it all.
Thanks again, for checking in. Let's work together to vibrate towards trust and leave worry behind.
Love and Light Dear,
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