Today's card of the day is the Page of Rods. The pages of the deck represent messages, or the aspect of clarity, and or movement in an area of one's life. This particular Page, The Page of Rods, offers the message that clarity, and understanding, regarding opportunities, and possibilities to move forward on a project require some meditation. Dream it and DREAM IT BIG! But it is important to remain grounded in all pursuits of this nature. An advantage with the Page of Rods, would be to put your request out there, and trust in its ability to come to full manifestation. Some things that you could do is create some physical energy of your manifestation. Put it in writing. Write down your intentions or a list of goals, and simply put them aside. Forget about them, and let the universe have at creating the possibilities for you. The Page of Rods asks that we pull ourselves up, and take one step at a time, putting our intention into action, and trust the outcome to be FANTASTIC! Although we may feel stuck, we never really are!
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