It has been a week since my last post, and I do apologize for leaving you for days without any tarot forecast. I did enroll for two classes this SUMMER semester at school, and have realized how difficult SUMMER classes can be, because it is a huge amount of material administered in a very short (8 weeks) period of time. I just returned from a weekend in Los Angeles, to celebrate my mother in law's birthday, and finished off my mid-term exams this evening. That put me on the prowl for another card of the day.
The card of the day is the FIVE of Pentacles. Although, many may think the imagery of today's card to be a bit austere, today's message is a solid reminder that it is important, now, in this momentary period, to not look too deeply at details. The card suggests weariness in the process of one's manifestation, or a bit of a knock on the noggin in the course of the process. Again, do not get caught in the trap of over thinking all the what ifs, and whys and refocus on the objective at hand.
The card suggests in its tone, to not become so caught up in the emotional, in this here and now, that an open door of opportunity, right in front of you can't be seen.
It is most probable that a break in routine, to allow oneself to return to the life at hand and continue the process of a fresh perspective. The card represents and draws upon support, to let us know that all things are in process... There is a soft and subtle reminder here that the last card drawn a week ago was Temperance. A notation in vibration could be noted here that this past week has been an agitated one. There seems to be a lot of tension in the air overall. Today's card is a card that really urges all to bring themselves out of panic, and into a state of action. It is urged that instilling a state of action of allowing, and flow to continue. It is easy to get caught up in the fluster, when fluster is all around us. In the furry of this week's potential emotional blast, This week is a good week for rebooting. Do our computers not run better after being turned off? What can you do to reboot this Wednesday to reboot yourself. Is a playful weekend in the cards? What better way to express trust in the process, than to take a day to play. Be kind to your self!
Love and Light,
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