Thursday, December 24, 2009

2010 Brings Changes to My Weekly Radio Show

It is exciting to let everyone know that 2010 is bringing about some changes to my weekly radio show. My weekly show, An Hour With Spirit has aired every Sunday since May 31, 2009 and has had well over 2000 listeners from around the world. Since its beginning, An Hour With Spirit, has grown greatly in popularity, gained numerous favorite show votes, and had numerous friends requests via the shows hosting site: Blog Talk Radio.
Beginning Sunday, January 3, 2010, the first show of the new year, An Hour With Spirit, will move to a new time slot of 8:00 P.M. PST. The show is taking a time slot one hour earlier to better service East Coast Listeners especially since the time format of the show will be changing as well. The pilot episode which aired on Sunday, May 31, 2009 was a mere 30 minutes, which passed with lightening speed. I was so surprised to see how popular the show was from its very beginning that the following week, the second show, and all consecutive shows, have been done in a sixty minute format. With the time change on January 3, 2010, An Hour With Spirit is expanding to a ninety minute format as well. The expansion is for the purpose of accommodating an even greater number of callers from all over the world who are finding love and support in my work via radio.
Going live on Internet radio was a huge step for me and a quite an accomplishment for 2009.
In September I went on tour throughout the Southwest United States, focusing attention to the people of the Great State of Colorado. I did two new Holistic Exhibitions in the State of Colorado. My first, The Whole Expo in Durango, Colorado was a great start. I was lovingly well received by the beautiful people of Durango. The following weekend, I appeared at the Belu Olisa Fairs Holistic Life Choices exhibition in Fort Collins, Colorado. This was a great experience as well. The appearances at these two great shows in the state of Colorado introduced my work to numerous clients not only in the state of Colorado, but also New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming as well as opened the door for numerous new listeners for An Hour With Spirit.
For information about An Hour With Spirit, you may view my Blog Talk Radio Show Page at:
Here at the show page you may listen to the show live on the air and simultaneously participate in the online chat room, or listen to all previous episodes of the show via the show's archives.
An Hour With Spirit is also available for free download on I-Tunes. On I-Tunes search
Pod Casts under the name of Terry Yoder and you'll see me there.
Other future media projects are soon to begin, and I will keep you posted as to any and all new developments as they are confirmed.
2009 has taught me that I LOVE RADIO! I look forward to another great year on the air being of service to as many people as possible in SPIRIT.
Best Wishes for a joyous Holiday Season and a tremendously prosperous New Year!
Love and Light,
P.S. You can now follow me on Twitter: sfclairvoyantty

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Winter Sale

I am happy to announce a winter / holiday sale, which began December 4, 2009. What a pleasure to offer such wonderful services at such wonderful prices. To view the details of this sale in the client flyer that was sent to all my clients, click the title of this article!

Happy Holidays!

Love and Light,

Terry Yoder

Monday, October 5, 2009


It has been a very busy week in radio for me, because in addition to my normal shows, An Hour With Spirit, Sundays at 9:00 P.M. PST
The below is a schedule of three additional shows I have done in the past few weeks. Thursday September 24, 2009 I was the special guest of a wonderful psychic medium, Mark Nelson. Mark's show: Information about Positively Psychic and archives are available at:
On September 29, 2009 at 8:00 EST I was the special guest on a fantastic show called PARA CHALLENGED RADIO. It was a joyous show and the callers who called in for readings were all very pleased with the accuracy and powerful content of what came through. Many of the callers were actually known by the show hosts who after the show called me to let me know I was right on the mark with many things that came through. Information about this show can be viewed, and archives are available at:
Just this past Friday, I was the special guest on Stirring The Cauldron with Marla Brooks. This show, on Psychic Radio, powered by CBS radio was a two hour show. It was an absolute pleasure being Marla's guest. After brief interview sessions, I was allowed to profile my work by doing numerous readings live on the air. Information about this show is available at:

The First Hour: Stirring The Cauldron with Marla Brooks October 2, 2009

The Second Hour: Stirring The Cauldron with Marla Brooks October 2, 2009

Love and Light,

Terry Yoder

Monday, August 3, 2009

My First Promotional Video has been released!!!

My First Promotional Video : A NIGHT WITH SPIRIT
I would like to take a moment to thank Jesus Martinez of Martinez Paranormal, who made my very first promotional video for A Night With Spirit. I am in the process of creating video testimonials as well, which will soon be appearing on my website at:
Here is the link to the first NIGHT WITH SPIRIT PROMOTIONAL VIDEO:
I welcome your comments!
Love and Light,

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Good morning to everyone. It has been a while since I have been on and I thought it time for an update.

I have indeed been pretty busy.
My BLOG TALK RADIO show is going amazingly well. I absolutely LOVE this media. I have met the nicest people and have had the pleasure of providing loving assistance to numerous callers to the show, have donated private services, and made some pretty amazing friendship connections.

The show just broad casted it's eighth episode, and celebrates the first international caller, a call from India. An e-mail conversation has been begun with another listener in an undisclosed international location, and Wisdom on the Run requests have come in from the land down under, Australia. In addition, the show is fast approaching its thousandth listener, eighteen people have been approved as friends, and better than double that number have marked the show a favorite.

It is a wonderful service that the show is uploaded to Archives within hours of being on the air, and by morning is available free of charge on ITUNES. (ITUNES, Search Terry Yoder Blog Talk Feed)

There's more... Within a few weeks of starting my show on BLOG TALK RADIO, I began co-hosting a show with my colleague, Tuaca Kelly. Our Mediums in Duo show is a POWERFUL experience. The response has been fantastic, and the experience most delightful. Working in tandem is something I never dreamed of, but having worked with Tuaca in a special two medium presentation of A NIGHT WITH SPIRIT in Carson City, NV months back we have been doing more and more and are excited by how joining forces has brought even more depth to the reading experience for us as well as for the recipient.

The two of us, are in the beginning stages of planning a trip to Nashville, TN. Tuaca and I have been invited to come to Nashville to be of service, to present an A NIGHT WITH SPIRIT program and to do private readings. We announced about three weeks ago that we were willing to go anywhere to offer these programs.

The list of things that have progressed is huge; the above is just one aspect of my life and spiritual practice. I promise. I'll get busy and get writing here so everyone is up to date. In addition to what has already come, there is so much more now visible on the horizon! Stay tuned!

Radio Show Information:
Sundays, 9:00 P.M. PST
An Hour With Spirit with Terry Yoder
ITUNES: Terry Yoder Blogtalk Feed
Thursdays, 8:00 P.M. PST
HIGH SPIRITS with Tuaca and Terry
Check Out!!! The Recent Changes to my Website!!!
Love and Light to ALL

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New Radio Show / Podcast

I am ecstatic to tell everyone that I have started a new form of BLOG. I am now doing a one hour Internet Radio Broadcast / Podcast on Blog Talk Radio. My first show aired two weeks ago, and starting conservatively, I only did a 30 minute broadcast. The show was so popular, and my switchboard was completely lit up with callers the entire 30 minutes of the show. It stressed me out that I had so little time. I adjusted all my show times to be one hour instead. This week's show was a sweet success, but I was still unable to reach all my callers. I got some fantastic feedback from callers, who said beautiful things about me, my personality, and my work, just from connecting with me on Internet radio.

This new media format is something I absolutely LOVE with all my heart. It is fun, and a fantastic way to out reach to people from all over the world. I can report that my Wisdom on the Run requests have increased since the show started, and I have actually received requests from as far away as Australia since the show first aired.

The show is currently scheduled on Sundays at 8:30 P.M. PST. I will be moving the show to a week day evening spot within this month. I have come to realize that most of my expo's are on Sunday. This week's expo in Sacramento left me with a whole 30 seconds before going live on the air. That was a little tense. I will therefore be changing the schedule.

The show format is pretty informal. It mostly revolves around me doing readings live on the air for the numerous callers. I do provide a short Tarot Forecast, as I used to provide for my weekly written forecasts. As I get more familiar, and comfortable with this form of media, I will be interviewing guests, discussing topics, doing live readings, teaching, and offering future tarot forecasts.

The next bit of GREAT news is that as of today, the show is available as a PODCAST on I Tunes.
Information about me and the show can be found at:

I welcome your questions, and comments as always. Please join me on the air!

I will also be co hosting a show with my good friend Tuaca Kelly, another, psychic medium. This show, also on Blog Talk Radio is called HIGH SPIRITS and is scheduled to premier on Thursday,
June 11, 2009, at 8:00 P.M. Join Tuaca and I as we bring in HIGH SPIRITS live on Blog Talk Radio! The Web-link is:

Love and Light to you all... Thanks for your continued love and support!

Friday, May 8, 2009

New Exposition Booth Premier

I am happy to say that I finally got my backdrop together for my Exposition booth. I purchased the back drop stand about two years ago, and just found the perfect drapery.

This booth premiered at the Psychic Fair at the Circus Circus Hotel & Casino in Reno, NV in April 2009.

To the left of the booth is the station of my dear friend and soul sister Tuaca Kelly. We always try to be side by side at each event we do together. I met her in Palm Springs about 4 years ago and when she sat down to have a reading with me, I told her,

"Girl, you need to be on this side of the table. I see you and I side by side doing these shows together. You have talent, and it is time for you to come forward and be of service."

And there we are!

Some exciting NEWS, I would like to share is that Tuaca joined me for a hosted Night With Spirit, in Carson City, NV during this particular trip to Reno. In actuality, she had came to observe how I had formatted Night With Spirit, but as usual, SPIRIT had its way and the next thing you know, Tuaca and I started working as mediums in tandem. The sessions were SO dramatically powerful and so much healing was done.

We are now in the process of starting to offer the Night With Spirit programs together as well as individually anywhere there is a request, and audience large enough to make it possible.

Love and Light,


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What's in Store for the Economy?

What's in Store For the Economy? A look at the Economy with Tarot.
What is in store for the US, and world economies?   I decided to ask the cards just that question and this is the result:
I did a standard 10 card Celtic Cross spread and added the first three cards from the bottom of the deck for a look at a soul direction for the US and its economy at this present time.   
In actuality, the reading is pretty positive, however, there are some moments on the near future that look a bit alarming at first glance, but by covering those cards for more in-depth information we  gain more clarity as to what may actually be in occurrence
The first card drawn, which falls in the position of the present moment is the eight of pentacles.  What a great archetype to fall into that position as this is the aspect of master craftsmanship at work in the process.  It is a strong indicator that the economy IS the primary focus in our government, and the major governments of the world at this time.  This card lays a very positive foundation for the question being asked, and yields the information that the result is destined to have a positive outcome.  Isn't every outcome a positive one?  All things are always in order at all times, therefore, we have to trust that this is part of a divine process as well. 
The second card of the reading is the three of pentacles, and interesting enough, this is the other member of the suit of pentacles that indicates master craftsmanship and the creation of a masterpiece.  Both the eight and the three of pentacles represent a major reconstruction and remodelling of the current economical system.  The three of pentacles specifically falls into the position of the current environment, and  falling in this position it maintains that the situation is in good hands, and that the intentions on the subject are truly more positive and seeking of a helpful outcome.  
In the third position, the position of the goal, destiny, hopes, wishes, dreams, and mentality, falls the Ace of Cups, the highest love card of the deck.   This is the card that draws forth the unconditional love of the universe.  This is an indicator that "spirit" is in play in the attempts being made in government to fix the circumstances the experts find us in at this time.   Again, with the most loving aspect of the deck of tarot falling in our goal, destiny, and mentality, we are assured that the outcome intended is positive.  Personally, I would interpret this card, in this position, as an indicator that a huge loving lesson is at play in this circumstance; a lesson in which we will find ourselves under the loving, protective wings of the universe, and that nothing placed before us is anything that cannot be endured.
In the fourth position, the seven of pentacles in the aspects of the past, remind us to look at the fruits of our labor, if not at present, and certainly not over the past eight years, but the fruits of those our labors as they were in positions of the past and more as we would like them.   Looking back, it was just a little over eight years ago that the US budget was balanced and their was an economical surplus.  This indicator is also one of brightness that we shall have the pleasure of this fruit again, but not without hard work.  Anything gained under the seven of pentacles is definitely earnedthrough effort and  not just freely given.  Work is required, and we find ourselves in a time in which work is required by many.  The seven of pentacles, although in the position of the past, is in the position upon which we draw upon and try to recreate in our future.  The fourth position in tarot in advanced reading represents the emotional foundation; that which makes us tick.
In our recent past, the fifth position of the reading, the four of swords is placed.  The four of swords is the aspect of intense healing being required.  The four of swords is like being in a recovery room after surgery.   The four of swords is also an indication that we are in the process of repairing, and that a lot is going to have to be undone, analyzed, and redone in  a more correct manner for relief.   The four is also an indicator of limitations being self imposed.   With circumstances reported as they are, it certainly has brought people out of hibernation, and more desirous of change, and more willing to be a part of the process of it.  This is a call to arms.  It is time to wake up and to get involved and to speak up for what is right.  Blinders have to come off, or it will result in the propagation of more blindness, and loss of control.
The very near future is represented in the sixth position of the reading, and in this position, the Temperance card has appeared.  Temperance is primarily what it is Temperance, or patience.  Having come from a Christian background, I am reminded of the verse in the bible that advises patience comes through the trying of our faith.  I'd say that is pretty accurate.  The news is filled with the stories of those whose faith is being tried.  The entire planet has just gasped and is holding its breath in anticipation of what is to come next.  Temperance is the alchemist as well.  The indication here is that the elements are being mixed to create the outcome.  Which I find by covering the temperance card. 
I drew four cards in sequence: 
The eight of cups, the Magician, the four of cups, and the Sun.  These cards indicate that a huge exit of the present or recent path must be made immediately to avert more harsh experiences.  The Magician urges us to move forward in a state of faith.  The Magician, representing God, the master of creation and manifestation.  What is being created?  The four of cups places that responsibility upon us collectively as a species.  The four of cups is that which is created from one's focus.  It is also a call to meditation.  If each of us spent five minutes a day sending positive energy to the circumstances at hand, we would see the world change rapidly.  The proposed and hoped outcome is the Sun; the happiest, most joyful card of the deck.  The sun also is indicative of greatness in communication, truth, and unconditional love.  This means all involved have to work together, and in so doing be considerate of the good of the whole, as opposed to just the self.   The outcome again looks positive, but it is going to take the effort of all, it is dependant on it.
In the future path, the Hanged Man fell in the seventh position of the reading. This is the position of the near future and aspects of why we are where we are.  The Hanged Man is life in suspension and self imposed limitations.  This kind of slaps the hands again saying:
"You slept in.  You were not active.  You allowed this to happen."  Again, this applies to all of us.
When indicators were present action was not taken, or was not a strong enough effort.  The Hanged Man warns us against laziness and settling for whatever comes our way, it warns us of complacency. 
The future surroundings or future environment are at first glance a cause for momentary alarm.  The ten of swords, the card of ruin, falls in the eighth  position of the reading.  The ten of swords, is one card that always causes my clients to gasp when it is revealed in a reading.  The imagery for those who do not know is that of a man laying face-down in a pool of his own blood, in the snow, in a blizzard, and ten swords thrust through his back, shoulders and neck.   The indication here is that the old systems, old ways of doing, old ways of thinking, must die and face the ruin they have created.   I see this by covering the ten of swords with the Knight of Rods, the bringer of opportunity, movement forward in newness and fresh directions. 
So what is it that must die?  What has to experience ruin in order for us to move on in a more positive energy?  I had to draw several cards for clarification here, and the five of rods, the Moon, the two of pentacles, the two of swords, and the Lovers fell.  In short, these cards are an indicator that conflict, selfishness, greed, and competitive emotions must all give way.  The Moon really brings this home as a process of how we think and feel.  The two of pentacles and the two of swords falling in consecutive order are choices and decisions needing to be made with urgency, and refusal to do so pressing the situation  to what could be a lieteral choice by force.  This to me is a placing of some fire under our back sides to get things rolling, speak out, and take action.  The Moon and the two consecutive twos also press that the sense that we are powerless and unable to do anything must fall away, or we could be further deceived and led further down a less favorable path. The Lovers in the last card of clarity requests banding together and working in partnership for a common goal.  The Lovers can be ultra-emotional, so the charge is to really communicate, determine a plan of action, and work in congruence toward that outcome.
In the ninth position of the reading the Devil fell.  The ninth position being the emotions urges us to really open our eyes and see the truth.  A lot of the undo is the undoing of lies, and deception. The greatest deception that would be most advantageous to bring into clarity is that that we are not powerless in this process.  The Devil, also representing bondage, shows that this thinking will only further stagnate the circumstances, and create a stalemate.
The outcome, the tenth position of the reading, joyously, is the Queen of Pentacles.  This Queen interesting enough is the most empowered and wealthiest female card of the deck.  Her indication of time is the autumn when the leaves turn to color, and fall.   The outcome here is indicative that by the fall of the year we should see a great level of improvement in the situation.  The Queen, I also want to note is the female, the mother, the spiritual, the nurturer.  It is highly possible that there will be a very strong clearing, and major assistance offered tothe just common man, the majority.   Following the devil also warns of those bound in greed having the possibility of acting out and being even more deceptive in their tactics.  The penalty for these acts should be swift and strong to insure ultimate change. The Queen following the Devil would also indicate that we should watch more closely females who may be in power and dealing with circumstances of our economy.  The Queen also warns of wasteful behavior.  We have all become a part of a disposable society.  If you find yourself with something you no longer need or want, don't throw it away, give it away to someone who would be grateful to have it.  Creating more grateful vibrations on the planet will certainly have a profound positive effecton the planet as a whole.
In finality, the soul path of the question asked fell as Strength, Death, and the nine of Pentacles, the card of ultimate fulfillment; a wish card.  These cards falling in this order tell us that the soul circumstances are in a state of major healing.  Strength is also an indication that there is still plenty for everyone, there is not a need for fear or  greed.  In recent years greed has moved from being an act based in a sense of fear of lack to one based in fashionability and style, sadly.  The Deathcard, the card of ultimate transformation by choice  comes to kill off, or transform thoughts that "he who has the most toys wins", and dares to challenge even the concept of "survival of the fittest".  Death, its transformation works to bring forth fulfillment in the aspect that each of us is a being of value, and the acknowledgement of that and continued movement in that mode shall lead us to a place of renewed abundance and a true sense of individual fulfillment, if we are willing to sacrifice the old manners of thinking. 
In summary, the economy depends on the spiritual and intellectual focus we place upon it.  I can report that my recent acts of kindness and love are showing up in my life in the form of instant retribution.  We discover more and more daily that we are all one, therefore, by making another strong, we make ourselves strong.    Isn't that what it's all about?  Isn't it possible that thestate of the economy could be the catalyst of change for the positive for us all?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Special on 2009 Life Path Readings!!!

Greetings Shift Happens!

Happy 2009!!!  (I have a SPECIAL OFFER!!!)

The arrival of this new year is a powerful
shift.   Last year was a "1" year  
in numerology, which represents new beginnings and pursuits, putting the wheels in motion, and clearing old obstacles that had hindered us in our pursuits of the new.  

The powerful transition that has taken
place is that we have transited from
a "1" year to an "11" year.  11, being 
a double digit is a master number.  
It does not reduce by adding the two
ones together. 

This numerical mastery is a powerful
transitory process, like going from 
neutral into turbo overdrive.  It is a
very power packed time to really push
forward and achieve in new pursuits. 

The clearing that has happened, is evident
in what is stated about the economy, and it is
a GLOBAL transition happening. 
It is an exciting time. 

That having been said, I want to offer you
an opportunity to see what is in store for you
this powerful "11" year.  

As a 2009 special, I will offer 
2009 Life Path Readings at a special rate of $95.00.  
These readings are a compact power pack of 
information about past, present, and future,
and specifically what you can expect this 
year.  It is a standard 10 card spread
reading followed by a 36 card year forecast,
that looks at your life month by month
throughout the year 2009.
All this is offered to YOU at a special
rate saving you up to $65.00.   

must be booked "ONLINE" at:

Confirm your appointment as follows:

When choosing SERVICE select either:

Home Office) 2009 Life Path Reading Special
This is for in person consultations at my
home office. 

(Telephone Consultation) 2009 Life Path Reading Special
This is for consultations over the phone.

This special expires 
February 9, 2009 
ALL appointments must be scheduled prior to 
the above expiration date.

I look so forward to offering this new
special service.  Reserve yours today!

Love and Light,

Terry Yoder