Good morning to everyone. It has been a while since I have been on and I thought it time for an update.
I have indeed been pretty busy.
My BLOG TALK RADIO show is going amazingly well. I absolutely LOVE this media. I have met the nicest people and have had the pleasure of providing loving assistance to numerous callers to the show, have donated private services, and made some pretty amazing friendship connections.
The show just broad casted it's eighth episode, and celebrates the first international caller, a call from India. An e-mail conversation has been begun with another listener in an undisclosed international location, and Wisdom on the Run requests have come in from the land down under, Australia. In addition, the show is fast approaching its thousandth listener, eighteen people have been approved as friends, and better than double that number have marked the show a favorite.
It is a wonderful service that the show is uploaded to Archives within hours of being on the air, and by morning is available free of charge on ITUNES. (ITUNES, Search Terry Yoder Blog Talk Feed)
There's more... Within a few weeks of starting my show on BLOG TALK RADIO, I began co-hosting a show with my colleague, Tuaca Kelly. Our Mediums in Duo show is a POWERFUL experience. The response has been fantastic, and the experience most delightful. Working in tandem is something I never dreamed of, but having worked with Tuaca in a special two medium presentation of A NIGHT WITH SPIRIT in Carson City, NV months back we have been doing more and more and are excited by how joining forces has brought even more depth to the reading experience for us as well as for the recipient.
The two of us, are in the beginning stages of planning a trip to Nashville, TN. Tuaca and I have been invited to come to Nashville to be of service, to present an A NIGHT WITH SPIRIT program and to do private readings. We announced about three weeks ago that we were willing to go anywhere to offer these programs.
The list of things that have progressed is huge; the above is just one aspect of my life and spiritual practice. I promise. I'll get busy and get writing here so everyone is up to date. In addition to what has already come, there is so much more now visible on the horizon! Stay tuned!
Radio Show Information:
Sundays, 9:00 P.M. PST
An Hour With Spirit with Terry Yoder
ITUNES: Terry Yoder Blogtalk Feed
Thursdays, 8:00 P.M. PST
HIGH SPIRITS with Tuaca and Terry
Check Out!!! The Recent Changes to my Website!!!
Love and Light to ALL
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