Today's card of the day draws upon the energy of the most loving King of the entire deck of Tarot, the King of Cups. What a significance this King makes on a day in the beginning stages of a period in which the planet Mercury, the planet ruling communication, and putting things into action is in a retrograde cycle. My strong sense on the falling of the King of Cups today is to remind us to keep our communication strong, but loving. The suit of cups is the most emotional suit in the Tarot. The King of Cups, asks that we strive to communicate lovingly, but also very clearly, with understanding, and patience. It is often easy to misinterpret what one is being told, or what one is saying. Today is a day in which you will find it much more of an advantage to insure that communications are clear, and delivered with loving energy. Today is also a day in which loving energy promises to conduct much more readily. Random acts of kindness are in good order today. Think before you speak. Think before you respond. Be patient and slow to anger today. Things may not be as you have interpreted them. Focus on sharing the love in your heart.
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