Today's card of the day is The Sun. The Sun, is the most joyous card of the Tarot. The Sun has come today to bless us with lightness of mind and heart. The Sun falls today to remind us to remain in, or return to a place of gratitude for all that we have, in the pursuit of all that we want. This has been an ongoing theme in my own life and practice for several months now, and seems to be increasing in intensity. It is phisiologically impossible to experience stress in a state of deep breathing. If you are feeling tense today, The Sun, urges you to release it and to maintain composure as balanced as possible. If you take a moment and visualize the stress, and breathe in deeply, as if breathing in behind, or under the stress you feel, a strong forceful exhale or two, will make you feel much lighter and joyous. Now is a time to really focus on goals that would make you the most happy. Another sure tactic to encompassing this joy, is to do something to make someone else happy.
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