Thursday, November 13, 2008

An Important Message from Spirit

Greeting Loved Ones:

I know it has been quite a while since my last published post to my blog,  August 1, 2008 to be exact.  This  has been a hard time for many of you, and for me as well.  I have been dealing with issues on numerous fronts: economical, physical, emotional, and spiritual.  I had also been putting in quite a bit of time and energy and centered focus on our recent 2008 United States election. 

This election, I believe to be a major spiritual turning point for the planet.   The universal scale is tipping at an alarming rate, which has began to bring forth a "separation of the wheat from the chaff" so to speak, or the release of all that does not work, to create the ability to embrace all that does.  It is through this process that we will come to the true essence of spirit and begin a new level of universal spiritual growth.  I feel in my heart, truly, that this posting is a true and needed message from spirit.  I ask from the bottom of my heart, that you read through it in its entirety, agree or disagree.  Then with a true open heart, watch the video, posted at the end of this article. 

We as a planet have come to a difficult doorway.  Our planet is in the throws of rapid physical changes, which are increasing in speed at an alarming rate.  However, in addition to these physical Earth changes, we as souls on this endangered planet also find ourselves in danger spiritually.   

Many on this planet have taken a stand, focused completely on MONEY, WEALTH, POSSESSIONS, and POWER, which have dangerously become icons of our definition.   At this spiritual juncture, however, we have seen in recent days that these icons have began to be stripped away.  Why?  Because Spirit is asking us to look inward.  Spirit is asking us to turn our heads and our hearts from selfish snobbery, greed, and class ism ( all illusions), and to embrace that which is true inherently in our hearts, and in the depth of what we know to be true in our spirits.  It takes strength and faith to embrace.

In review of pretty much every major religion on the face of the Earth, the keystone for each, the foundation for all is LOVE.  Spirit is asking us to forgo our focus on that of the physical and to shift our focus to be on the spiritual (that which is true in our hearts and our spirits).  I have always taught that the thought of Spirit flowing through us is our first thought, and the second thought is always one arguing with the first.  It is important now more than ever to listen, and have the courage to stand grounded in that first thought trusting that it will lead us to truth and the fulfillment of all that we could ever need or desire.  We are challenged at this time to create a level of faith within ourselves that puts to rest all old illusionary thinking, and to satisfy all our sense of need.   Our world has spun fueled with selfish indignant greed, and spirit is quickly pulling back the veil to reveal the truth; the essence of love.   

Our world powers have been ruling from this standpoint of selfish indignant greed.  Our nation's current administration, and others around the world have fought tooth and nail to conceal physical planetary changes, and have joyously ruled from greed.  The truth  is however, if we have love of ourselves and those with whom we share this planet, and act in respect, honor,  and love we will truly have all we need.  Our faith will simply provide as needed.  However, we must live in a true state of faith and selfless love.   It requires strong faith, the belief in the evidence of things unseen. 

It is here that I wish to humble myself and to be absolutely clear.  I am not speaking to any of you from a platform of pedestal.  I am speaking to you as an equal, because I am truly no different, better or worse than you in any way.   The truth is we are (all living things on the planet)  equal.  We are all here to love, to assist, to provide, to love each other.   The truth of the matter is, that I struggle with "my stuff" as much as you struggle with "your stuff".  Some of it is the same, and some of it is as different as far as the East is from the West, but we must still love and respect one another without judgement. 

I have come to strive so fervently to remain in a place of love and non-judgement regardless of what I see in front of me.   The judgement of others, is a dangerous practice that eventually leads us right back to our place of indignant greed, and competition with one another on any level.   I note strongly that dismissing my judgements of others aids me significantly in maintaining a higher sense of love for humanity.  For this and the learning of this lesson, I am forever thankful.  Again, I speak to you from not from a soapbox, but as an equal.   I strive to choose in all circumstances to love you without judgement.  

Recently, through the loss of a friendship, for which I had very high hopes, I came to know and understand a powerful part of my mission on this planet.  Although the loss of my friend has been hard, I am grateful for the opportunity to know and understand this level of my specialness that I chose prior to my birth.   It was told to me in a prophecy in the Pentecostal Church at 14 that God had chosen me for  the purpose of loving his people in his name (his highest gift).  The truth is this EVERYONE has this opportunity, if we can make the choice in faith to embrace it.   I have come to know that the administration of this gift flows through me it teaching the casualness of Spirit and Spirituality.   It is truly a simple act; just choose in all things to be loving and without judgement. Truly easier said than done.  It is easy to reflect this to the aid of others, but especially difficult when it comes to ourselves, we find our greatest subject of judgement ever.   So I am here to teach love.  The truth, is so are you.   In all things we have a choice to act in love or in fear.  In acting in love we abolish fear, in acting in fear, we open the door for continued negative vibration. 

 I want to say here that I feel such love in my heart for each and all of you.   I have beautiful teachers out there in YOU, who mirror to me without judgement.  I bless you and thank you.   For those of you who have chosen to act in judgement of me, God Bless You and know YOU are loved.   My friend who has just recently chosen to judge me based on my sexual orientation, you are loved.  Those who have discontinued connection with me because we have a variance in our expression and goals, you are loved.  Those who have chosen to choose what appears to be a winning side, you are loved. 

Speaking of the elections, love and judgement, I wish to share this most powerful message to you.  For months on end I have sat at the keys trying with everything inside me to bring forth a message regarding Proposition 8, the Gay Marriage Ban recently PASSED in California. NOTHING could come out of me.  My heart screams not in judgement, but in love about this initiative and yet try as I may, I continue to find myself mute and unable to bring forth the words of the truth of my soul as a GAY man.   I realized tonight that I was simply not the man for this job.  It was not my ministry to write this message, however, I have found someone who I believe truly has been chosen.  I viewed the attached video of a commentary by Keith Olberman, who quite literally has spoken with great fluency every word of my soul regarding the issues of PROPOSITION 8, LOVE, EQUALITY, SPIRITUALITY, RELIGION, AND JUDGEMENT.  Please take strong notice that the passage of this proposition was a JUDGEMENT.  One very strongly rooted in various fears. 

The message of spirit tonight is one of turning from judgement to the embrace of unconditional love.  This is the issue at hand and the choice of our planet at this time:  Love vs Judgement.  

This message is going out to BLUE STATES as well as RED STATES, to democrats and republicans, straight households and gay, to those who voted to ban gay marriage in California, and those who vehemently fought against it, and to those in all corners of the world.  The truth is, that regardless of what our viewpoints may be on any issue, we are still united as inhabitants of this universe.  Again, the message here is one of love.  It has been sent with the purpose of education.   I ask with total sincerity that you simply view the video in its entirety just as I asked you to read this message.  Further, I would lovingly request and urge you to listen with an open mind, and open heart, and from the viewpoint of only love.  Afterwards, I ask that you dare to stand up and act in accordance with that which you truly feel from the love of your heart.   Act from what your heart sings as loving truth.  That is spirit's gift to us all, and what makes us truly authentic. 

In conclusion, I feel the need to tell each of you who reads this that I love you.  Yes, even if I do not know you, and have never met you, talked to you, or worked with you in any manner, I love you.  I am human, I make mistakes every day just like you.  I am human.  I hurt.  I struggle.  I fear.  However, I also grow just like each and every one of you.  

I welcome all your questions comments with love.   May your soul bask in peace and you heart shine with love always.



I have made many attempts to copy this video directly into my blog to no avail, so please copy and paste the following link into your web browser:

Friday, August 1, 2008

Election 2008

So much emphasis has been placed on the upcoming US election . We are constantly being bombarded with polls, and possibilities as to who will do what, and who will have the final victory.

I decided to do an interview with Master Astrologer,
ED KLUSKA from Cincinnati, Ohio today. This interview is an in depth view of each of the candidates, what they are composed of, how they tick, what motivates them, and references the aspects affecting us from now through election day.

It never fails to amaze me how astrology is so right on with what is going on. It is VERY interesting that we have a MOST SIGNIFICANT astrological aspect taking place in our sky right on election day 2008. It appears that it could be a bumpy ride.

Ed says,
"Fasten your seat belt, it is going to be an interesting ride!"

This interview is being made available to you FREE of CHARGE!!! Anyone may listen to this very interesting interview from anywhere in the world. Here is how:

Call (641) 715-3441 upon connection you will be asked for an access code please dial your access code:
572682 and then press #

This interview is approximately 50 minutes in length and long distance toll charges will apply in accordance with your telephone service.

Personally, I have worked with Ed since 1988, when I was living in Cincinnati, and still continue to work with and collaborate with Ed today. We have struck quite a friendship over the years, and I love Ed as a father. I hope you will take the time to check out this interesting interview regarding this upcoming most major planetary event: Election 2008 USA.

If you would like to schedule and interview with me regarding your insights or services, please e-mail me directly.

Love and Light,

Terry Yoder

A Spiritual Message from Ron Bailey

I received another powerful e-mail from my very dearest friend and spiritual mentor Ron Bailey today. As many of you remember, I highlighted Ron's tremendous story of faith and strength on June 6, 2008 in a BLOG entitled: A Man Truly Living In Spirit - The Story of Ron Bailey. Ron is still in prison physically, but spiritually he is continuing to change the world every single day, one heart, one soul at a time. I feel in my heart and soul, that I am to share this message sent from him with you.

Dear Family, The following is something I feel led to share with each of you. Of course allow it to speak to you and do with it what you feel led to do. Intentions are important or our linear time is often lived in chaos. Know that I love each of you and it is my wish that you are living peacefully with joy, love,laughter and prosperity flowing. Remember who you are!!!!!!!!!!

THE CODE- TEN INTENTIONS FOR A BETTER WORLD To have this code work in your life, say it once a day.

THE FIRST INTENT-- SUPPORT LIFE I refrain from opposing or hurting anyone. I allow others to have their own experiences. I see life in all things and honor it as if it were my own. I support life.

THE SECOND INTENT-SEEK TRUTH I follow my inner compass and discard any beliefs that are no longer serving me. I go to the source. I seek truth.

THE THIRD INTENT- SET YOUR COURSE I begin the creative process. I give direction to my life. I set my course.

THE FOURTH INTENT-SIMPLIFY I let go so there is room for something better to come in. I intend to be guided, guarded, protected and lined up with the Highest Good at all times. I trust and remain open to receive from both expected and unexpected sources. I simplify.

THE FIFTH INTENT- STAY POSITIVE I see good, say good and do good. I accept the gifts from all of my experiences. I am living in grace and gratitude. I stay positive.

THE SIXTH INTENT-SYNCHRONIZE after intending and surrendering, I take action by following the opportunities that are presented to me. I am in the flow where Great Mystery and Miracles abide, fulfilling my desires and doing what I came here to do. I synchronize.

THE SEVENTH INTENT-SERVE OTHERS I practice love in action. I always have enough to spare and enough to share. I am available to help those who need it. I serve others.

THE EIGHTH INTENT-SHINE YOUR LIGHT I am a magnificent being awakening to my highest potential. I express myself with joy, smiling easily and laughing often. I shine my light.

THE NINTH INTENT-SHARE YOUR VISION I create my ideal world by envisioning it and telling others about it. I share my vision.

THE TENTH INTENT-SYNERGIZE I see Humanity as One. I enjoy gathering with light-hearted people regularly. When we come together, we set the stage for Great Oneness to reveal itself. We synergize.

I am told it would be wonderful to say this first thing in the morning and then state your intentions for your day. Only a few minutes required. The story was from an Avocado farmer in Hawaii who began a group called Intenders Circles and now they have spread all over the world.

I love you!


What a powerful message!

I love you all!


Sunday, July 27, 2008

New Website has Launched!!!

I am so very happy to announce, that my NEW updated WEBSITE has now launched. You may view it live at

I'd like to ask you to take a moment and take a look at my new look...

Most importantly, I would like to thank am my Web Designer, Chris Fisher, who has done an amazing job creating the new look... Her work has been nothing but tremendous. She is honest, and she is fair, and constantly surprises me with how quickly she gets things done.

Thanks for taking a look... I'd love to hear your comments... C'mon WORLD, let me hear from you.

Love and Light,


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Card of the Day - Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Card for today is the Knight of Cups. This is a most happy card, representing the bringing forth of love, understanding, positive flow, and / or happy news. This messenger comes to greet you with the greatness of growth. His gift is movement and flow. A message that comes specifically with today's card is that Angels have aligned to fight every battle for you as long as you will it. Will you will it? Can you will all your battles to be fought and won for you by spirit?
If we truly ask ourselves this question we can usually find some source of resistance within us that will not allow us to be fully taken care of. This is that which needs to be removed from our life process. The Knight of Cups brings forth the flow of love that is capable of removing all fearful blocks. His energy is there in full capacity, but again, requires one's ability to receive it. His promise is a lot of positive flow, and happiness.
In relationships, you may want to rethink the opinion or point of view you hold regarding a difficult issue with a relationship partner. In actuality, it is much more probable that your partner is coming to you from a rightful place. Maybe communications need a little tweaking, but don't allow yourself to be harsh. Love is in the air. Have fun with it.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Card of the Day - Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It has been a week since my last post, and I do apologize for leaving you for days without any tarot forecast. I did enroll for two classes this SUMMER semester at school, and have realized how difficult SUMMER classes can be, because it is a huge amount of material administered in a very short (8 weeks) period of time. I just returned from a weekend in Los Angeles, to celebrate my mother in law's birthday, and finished off my mid-term exams this evening. That put me on the prowl for another card of the day.

The card of the day is the FIVE of Pentacles. Although, many may think the imagery of today's card to be a bit austere, today's message is a solid reminder that it is important, now, in this momentary period, to not look too deeply at details. The card suggests weariness in the process of one's manifestation, or a bit of a knock on the noggin in the course of the process. Again, do not get caught in the trap of over thinking all the what ifs, and whys and refocus on the objective at hand.

The card suggests in its tone, to not become so caught up in the emotional, in this here and now, that an open door of opportunity, right in front of you can't be seen.

It is most probable that a break in routine, to allow oneself to return to the life at hand and continue the process of a fresh perspective. The card represents and draws upon support, to let us know that all things are in process... There is a soft and subtle reminder here that the last card drawn a week ago was Temperance. A notation in vibration could be noted here that this past week has been an agitated one. There seems to be a lot of tension in the air overall. Today's card is a card that really urges all to bring themselves out of panic, and into a state of action. It is urged that instilling a state of action of allowing, and flow to continue. It is easy to get caught up in the fluster, when fluster is all around us. In the furry of this week's potential emotional blast, This week is a good week for rebooting. Do our computers not run better after being turned off? What can you do to reboot this Wednesday to reboot yourself. Is a playful weekend in the cards? What better way to express trust in the process, than to take a day to play. Be kind to your self!

Love and Light,


Monday, July 7, 2008

Card of the Day - Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The card of the day for Tuesday, July 8, 2008 is Temperance. We are blessed by the subtle brush of Temperance's wings, when we need to know that we are moving in the right direction, and when we need a reminder that Spirit has it all in their hands. As previously mentioned in this week's cards, Temperance is the alchemist. This blessed angel mixes the elements of creation to assist us in our ability to learn, heal, manifest, and teach others the greatness of Spirit. Temperance always reminds us to work diligently within the realm of what we can, trusting the process of the Universe and its infinite wisdom and ability to come through for us more than anyone or anything else on the planet. Temperance whispers sweetly in our ear that our prayers have been heard and are in process. Temperance is the act of expecting that which you desire to manifest fully. Is there any way in which you are acting as interference to your own process? Maybe a temporary stepping away will clear your heart and mind. Momentarily when you return you may find that you are looking at a completely different group of circumstances, and have a brand new, FRESH, perspective from which to come from. Stepping away for a moment could be the expression of faith needed to lock in a powerful healing that you need in order to continue to move forward on your project of creation. Temperance always appears with love and gentle kindness. Receive, and grow, and trust in who you are. GREAT things are just ahead.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Card of the day - Monday, July 7, 2008

The two of pentacles falls as the card of the day for Monday,
July 7, 2008. This card the card of decision and choice is also a saving grace. It is the representation to us that God gave us freedom of choice and the eternal promise is that there is NOTHING or NO ONE who can ever interfere with our free choice. You are the one in control.
It is important with this card touching in to remember that every action is a choice that is made. With self love, and forgiveness, let's work really hard this week to really think before we act, in an act of creating a more positive and loving environment.
A second meaning on this card: If presented with a choice, dare to accept in a state of full worthiness, the very best of the pick. Which choice, in your heart, feels to be the correct one. Trust your ability to make the right choice from your heart. Know that you deserve the absolute highest. Therefore, make you choices based on your highest love of self.
A third meaning of this card: A choice between two could actually be a formation of a combination of the two, or partnership.
Love and Light,

Card of the Day - Sunday, July 6, 2008

Today's card is an excellent card for a Sunday. The 9 of Pentacles is the card of empowerment, it encourages the making of a wish, and the trust that whatever was wished for, it is in process the moment the request is off your lips.

It is the card of Luxury and Opulence, abundant joy, and independence.

So what does this mean for this Sunday, July 6, 2008?

The 9 of Pentacles is a card that comes to properly bless us. It urges us towards movement, and adventure. It urges the churning of change, and the consideration of how to make things better. In the process of having all these aspects in the back of your mind, it is imperative to work these potential changes, and improvements, through the method of relinquishment. Relinquishment of concern.

You have or are making the wish, and weighing the possibilities that are around you, and do so by throwing yourself completely into adventure and fun today. In other words, relinquish to joy, and gratitude all the things you feel you would like to be, and attain. Throw yourself into the joys of life today, have fun, be adventurous, and laugh with great freedom. Fresh air and a commune with nature will really do a lot of good, as it can help ground and balance us. When you come home from your joyous romp around town, you may just find clarity awaiting at your own kitchen table. Things being clear, they will begin their process of movement.

Sacrifice your need for control... It is an illusion anyway. Embrace adventure, play hard, have fun, and let the universe let it be.

Have a Great Fun Day!


I would like to dedicate this Card of the day Forecast to my very dear friend and fellow clairvoyant: Dawn Stanley. Dawn came up this weekend for a visit from Flagstaff, AZ. We had a wonderful time belly laughing, and being friends. We both relished the laughter and realized we don't allow enough of it into our lives.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Cards of the Week July 7 - 13, 2008

The reading for this second week of July is one of a great deal of beauty. The first card that fell was the card of the six of cups. This card urges with great joy and love to come to understandings with those around you, and to draw upon joyous loving friendships, however this card also asks us to come forward and be our own best friend as well. Many people often quote from the Biblical passage that says love your neighbor as yourself and you have kept the entire law. Well, we often find it so easy to love our neighbor, but take little time to actually focus on the love of ourselves first. How is it this week that you can be your own best friend? Finding comfort in our friendship, and attracting even higher levels of love and friendship from those around you as well. The greater relationship a person can have with their own self, the more positively intense will be the friendships they attract. This is a week to become very clear on communication, as this is notably a strong card of communication. Just how is it we find ourselves talking to ourselves. If one finds one's self outside the highest level of positivity in self communication, make note of all those things being said. What is being viewed as negative? Let's take those statements and cross them out, and create another column in which we can replace them with statements that are much more empowering. If you empower yourself, you will surely empower others equally as well if not more.

The second card of this week's reading is the 9 of Rods. The 9 of Rods is an important card representing VICTORY. It is great to celebrate the victory of all that you have accomplished, and note that the smallest action taken in the effect of something is a victory all the same. Victory is important to celebrate. The 9 of Rods asks us to gain courage and empowerment from our victories, and to scan our lives and look deeply to find all the aspects of victory that we have created for ourselves. We are also asked to look at all the good we have done for others. How will you introduce victory into the life of another person this week. How many people do you want to touch this week, with the blessing of love, victory, and empowerment? It can be as easy as opening the door for someone and greeting them with a smile. Paying a bridge toll, or some other selfless act of kindness can really touch a burdened heart. Bringing victory and light into the life of another person, allows you to receive in return the favor 10 times over. It is a joyous process when you remind yourself that we are ALL connected to one another.
The third card that fell for this week's reading is the Star. The Star, is one of my very favorite cards as she is the essence of wishes coming true. Much like the alchemist in the card of Temperance, the Start would fall to represent the Temperance card coming into full bloom. The star is where we begin to receive all our blessings and wishes seem to come true. This carries with it also a great aspect of creation, for what next is it you would like to create? Celebrate that which has manifested, give thanks to it, praise and give thanks for all that is, and recreate a new list of creations to manifest. In a moment in time, you will be again celebrating their arrival.
The final card for this week is the 10 of Pentacles. The 10 of Pentacles is the card of Happy, Joyous, Prosperous, friendship, relationship, marriage, or partnerships. This card puts a lot of emphasis on these practices if one is in search of the perfect relationship. Time is ripe for people's comings together to be joyous and whole. Everyone I know has been doing a great amount of work around this for at least the past year. Is there some thing, or thought that has stuck in your system that you can not shake that is holding you back? From where did it originate? How does it affect you? What positive, loving thought can you replace it with that will lovingly cast away the old, and allow the new, the fresh, and the perfect to come forward for you? Lovingly releasing those old cords, allow new connections to form, connections of great perfection in loving relationships and friendships. Remember, the Sun is in transit of the sign of Cancer. Cancer is the caretaker. Love yourself, and love others to the highest of who you are.
Love and Light,
P.S. I had difficulty uploading more than one card image and therefore left them out this week.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Card of the Day - Thursday, July 3, 2008

Today's card of the day is the Three of Pentacles; the card of creating one's masterpiece. This is one of the cards of the master crafts persons and represents the importance of the mental process that goes into creating or manifesting one's highest masterpiece.

This card specifically comes to validate that something you are working to create needs your time and attention. Opportunities could abound, but if one is not in the position of being open or validated in the aspects of creation and manifestation, it will only make those opportunities harder to see or grasp. The key point again, is dream it and dream it big. If you have the ability to think it in your mind, it has the ability to be a reality. In fact, if you can see it in your mind it is real. The reality comes through one's ability to validate that which desires to be created. Now would be an excellent time to look into the battleground that exists in one place only (between one's ears) and determine what thoughts are limiting and non-productive.
Try writing those thoughts down in a negative thought column. Then immediately to the right create the positive resolve and creation thought column where the thought can be rewritten in the positive, in order to bring physical energy to your creation without negative limitations. Think strongly about any and all cords that are involved in these negative thought patterns, cross out the negative thought, and then replace it with the positive creative one. That puts it all into action! And remember that any action at all is a victory. Even if it is just the act of doing this exercise. Celebrate every step you take on the path, and enjoy the journey.
Please look at the next few following posts to see some of the very exciting news that came my way this week, and some of the great things I have been working on.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

On-Line Galleria / Invitation for my OWN RADIO SHOW

I have FANTASTIC NEWS! I have been hard at work this week creating an on-line Galleria. I have felt overwhelmingly compelled to get this together and up and running, and as of today, it now is... I am so excited about the prospect of sponsoring my own secure shopping portal on the Web.

The link to my on-line Galleria (NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS) is:
By making purchases at my online Shopping Galleria, I receive an advertising commission, which helps me to support my ongoing ministry. I thank you for your support!

Additionally, no more did I get the word that the link to the Galleria was up live and basically open for business, when my phone rang. On the other end was a woman who introduced herself as a radio producer from Arizona. She has asked me to work with her to produce my OWN Spiritual Talk Show.

I am now reviewing all the information, and my next step is to prepare a six week show outline. We would then begin production of a 13 week pilot series. I am so excited about this opportunity, as this is something I have been working to allow in my life for a long time.

There are production costs involved, but I am confident that if Spirit's intention is for me to host my own radio show, sponsorship and abundance will abound. Maybe I have been so strongly pulled to open the Galleria, to help produce the show. Do know that all purchases are being made with REPUTABLE COMPANIES, and transactions are SECURE. I care about you, and would not put you in any danger whatsoever. I appreciate your support.

I am happy to share my joy with you. I welcome your opinions and suggestions.

Please Note: The Galleria Page is a Rough Draft. It works and is live, but it is the very FIRST website page I ever created on my own. I will be spicing it up and working on its appearance in the weeks to come. My entire website will soon be relaunching with a WHOLE NEW LOOK!!!

Love and Light,

Terry Yoder

Card of the Day - Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Today's card of the day is the Page of Rods. The pages of the deck represent messages, or the aspect of clarity, and or movement in an area of one's life. This particular Page, The Page of Rods, offers the message that clarity, and understanding, regarding opportunities, and possibilities to move forward on a project require some meditation. Dream it and DREAM IT BIG! But it is important to remain grounded in all pursuits of this nature. An advantage with the Page of Rods, would be to put your request out there, and trust in its ability to come to full manifestation. Some things that you could do is create some physical energy of your manifestation. Put it in writing. Write down your intentions or a list of goals, and simply put them aside. Forget about them, and let the universe have at creating the possibilities for you. The Page of Rods asks that we pull ourselves up, and take one step at a time, putting our intention into action, and trust the outcome to be FANTASTIC! Although we may feel stuck, we never really are!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Card of the Day - Monday, June 30, 2008

We end the month of June with the Two of Cups. The two of cups is the representation of excellence in communication. This card also falls to represent that timing is perfect for evolution in relationships. It is important under the influence of the two of cups to maintain communication on the highest level of integrity possible. Say what you need to say, but work to say it in the most loving way possible, without any cords of spite, anger, or bitterness. If these types of cords exist in a circumstance, they have a very high probability to be felt with clear intensity, and to affect outcomes of communication. This is a card of love, and forgiveness, and can represent the fortitude to begin new relationships. It is important to know that the love with which you communicate will flow back to you ten times over. If cords to negative withheld emotions are present, it will be easy for those emotions to be transmitted in your communications. Forgive and let go... Allowing negatives into communication will allow those negatives to swell at a rate of ten time over as well... I can guarantee that keeping things in the aspects of love will prove to be the best possible scenario.

Love and Light,


Friday, June 27, 2008

It Lives in the Land

I recently started a tremendous class in college. The class, The History of Ethnic People in California. I am thoroughly enjoying all that I am learning about the settlement of California.

Since we have only had three classes, we are just now getting ready to leave the first section, which is the history of the Native California Indians. Something I learned about the California Indians was something that I had known of the plains Indians, and the Hawaiian people as well; hearing this, opened a process of relearning that has deeply amazed me.

When the Spanish arrived in California, there were over three hundred tribes of native Indians who spoke more than one hundred different languages. They loved the earth, and every act was an act of sacredness. Men or Women could be chieftains. Men or Women could be Elders. Men or Women could be Shaman, as well.

In addition to this, the Native California Indians recognized people of trans-gender as well. These highly regarded and honored souls were called Two-Spirits. The signification that the spirit of both male and female embodied one being. The Indians looked for this in children, and let them choose their own gender. These two-spirited beings were honored as being very artistic, communicative, and highly sensitive, spiritual beings. They were honored as who they were, and often were Shaman or held other high posts among the tribes and triblets. Additionally, among the Native Indians, Two-Spirits were often sought for marriage. Among the tribes of the first inhabitants of the land we now call our own, Men and Women were equally empowered to choose a life partner of either sex, and all could marry and were recognized as equal.

It lives in the land we call our home. This blooming here is pure Agape. This to me is a phenomenally pure expression of Love Without Conditions that we potentially approach. I know this article may offend some, but I ask you to continue with an open mind, and open heart. This is not just an issue of Men with Men and Women with Women.

Our land's Native people trusted and looked after each other. They respected EVERYTHING that is, and viewed everything as SACRED, every moment of every day. Every act, even the simple act of taking a drink from a clear crystal brook, was an act of spiritual gratitude; a special thanks to creator / source for the extension of life. Every stone, every tree, every animal, every being was viewed in its full sacredness and connected to creator / source.

This too, struck me as very powerful. These people, who the Europeans called heathen, lived their lives in spiritual balance with the land that supported them, in harmony with one another. These people were living the law of attraction every minute of every day, and if you could imagine, they could not fathom the slightest possibility of lack... They loved the earth, they honored their land, and their neighbors, and they loved without conditions, and they trusted source to provide for them all they would need to live and to thrive.

California natives were peace loving tribes with the exception of a few to the South. We today are shooting people for driving in front of us on the freeway. I think I choose the prior.

This is just a reminder, that our call is to love and respect one another, live in the promise that all our needs are met, and honor the land we call our home, and yields us life, with gratitude.

We need to honor every person who enters our life for the purpose that they come. We need to be graciously happy for each and every individual for who they are, what is special about them, that they have found the love of their life, and they are happy, and choose to share their life and energy together, regardless of their sexes.

I personally think this model is much better than that that we have been taught to create for ourselves. I choose to put my energies into the full expression of true AGAPE. I am not perfect, but I am growing every day!

I hope this gentle reminder finds you in a position of loving yourself as much as you can, so you can love the rest of us just as much...


Friday, June 20, 2008

MIchelle O'Bama on THE VIEW

In case you missed it, here is a video clip containing the recent interview with Michelle Obama. It was an outstanding show. She is a great person, and she comes across HONEST. The interview reveals misquotes, and sets the record straight about what was acturally said, before editing by the media. It reveals what a beautiful NORMAL person she is, and shows us that about her family, and the tenderness they seem to have at home. I hope you enjoy the clip. It was sent to me by a friend, from it source on YOUTUBE.

I appreciate your comments on Spirituality and Politics, this article, this video clip. Let me here from you...

Friday, June 6, 2008

A Man Truly Living In Spirit - The Story of Ron Bailey

From the original Tarot with Terry newsletter, I am certain that many of you may remember writings I had published from my dearest friend and spiritual mentor, Ron Bailey. I met Ron, years ago, when I had my practice on Market Street in San Francisco. We were instantly connected from the moment of meeting. We had so much in common in our spiritual beliefs and practices, and we had both lived for quite some time in Ohio.

You have not heard me refer to Ron for quite sometime. The truth is, Ron has been tested these past years like no other spiritual person I know. We are very much in a time in which spiritual people are being tested like never before; for the purposes of breaking down our illusions, and to yield our abilities to live in faith in God and Spirit. Ron's story, and a recent message that I received from him are such an inspiration that I felt a great need to share it with you here on my blog.

Ron's Story:

Ron had been living in Sacramento, California, until a few years ago. He had worked for years as director of numerous federally subsidized medical institutions, and nursing homes. He was the best their was. He had an impeccable record. He had been awarded with the complete turn around of a facility in Sacramento that was facing closure due to so many state violations. Ron came in contracted to change the performance of this location, and did. The facility literally went from the worst on the list to the best on the list in a very short period of time.

One day early in the year a few years back, Ron answered the door of his Sacramento home to be greeted by federal agents, who arrested him, charging him with misuse of federal funds and embezzlement at a facility he had not worked at for nearly 20 years.

The truth of the matter is that an employee of his, from 20 years ago, had been caught committing this crime, but the federal legal system offered her a deal if she could point the finger at someone "bigger" so to speak, and she pointed to Ron Bailey. This woman advised federal agents that Ron had told her to, and taught her to commit this crime.

Ron was arrested, released, and after about a year went to trial for a crime he did not commit. I know of his innocence in my heart, my soul, and my spirit. His case was heared in federal court in district four, Southeast Virginia, the most conservative district in the United States.

During Ron's trial he was subjected to many violations of his civil rights, as he was introduced as a homosexual from Sacramento, California, accompanied by his Latino lover. The prosecution named Ron's partner as a witness for the prosecution, but never called him, because this would prevent him from being able to testify on Ron's behalf. The federal judge who heared his case was noted for falling asleep several times in the course of the trial. The forgeries made by Ron's accuser were completely of no affect in the case, although both sides knew she had committed the forgeries against Ron.

Ron was indicted for the crime he did not commit, and during his sentencing his sleepy federal judge recited testimonies and the names of witnesses who had not even testified or been involved in Ron's case in any way. All the same, Ron Bailey was sentenced to five years in a federal penitentiary in Southern California where he is still currently incarcerated, but continuing to work fervently on his case.

At the same time he was fighting this fight in court Ron was bitten, on the arch of his foot, by a brown recluse spider. The bite of this spider is particularly horrible, and can lead to the loss of limbs, and the loss of life in some instances. In the course of fighting his federal case, he also endured over a year of surgeries, medical procedures, and hospitalizations. The bite of the spider weakened Ron's heart and merely days before having to report for incarceration, he had to have a pacemaker put in to save his life.

Ron has served over two years of his sentence for a crime he did not commit. He has struggled with the medical systems of the U.S. Federal Prison System. He is now getting his health back and doing better physically.

I have received several e-mails from Ron over the past two years of his incarceration. In readings I had given him, I was told by spirit that there was a reason for his imprisonment, and that he would be working with a new group of people. That is exactly what Ron has done during these last years of incarceration. He has led numerous people to the reality of spirit, and brought unconditional love to men of all types. From the very beginning other inmates were drawn to Ron, and he has been doing an amazing job spreading and teaching the love of the CHRIST energy in prison.

I personally have been quite challenged over the past year. It has been a very hard year and my life has become quite unrecognizable in most ways. I keep working at staying in spirit and manifesting positivity, but I am in the human experience as all of you are, and I too am subject to anger, and fears as well. It hurts when I am betrayed, it hurts when dreams change, it hurts when people misconstrue or simply can not see the spirit of love that I work so hard to allow to flow from me unfettered. Thus, the message from Ron Bailey. I recently got a nice e-mail from Ron and responded spilling my guts about my recent transitions, my fears, and sadness. Ron responded beautifully with a message that immediately created a shift in my life, and it is this message I feel so strongly to share with the people of earth, as again, we all, and our planet is being most challenged in these times.

The following is Ron's message to me:

Sweetheart, I have had many awakening experiences within my soul while in here. I have had the opportunity to read, meditate, counsel others through readings and just down to earth talks. I have found people of like interests who desire to grow. Men of wealth, poor men, young men, middle age and older men are all looking for the same thing. They have an intense desire to find and nurture the peace within them in order that they may live in peace as they remember their connection to God. What an honor it is to share with them. Our vibrational matches connect us. I have also realized a strong connection to the teachings of Science of Mind Church. I read their literature on a regular basis. I have also completed an individual study in A Course In Miracles. It is a tremendous guide towards releasing the mind of ego and staying connected to the Mind of God. It has required discipline and time to complete the study. This has all been a gift for me that is beyond measure. I am looking forward to winning my current case and being released from incarceration. But as long as I remain in here, they have my body, but not my Mind. It belongs to the thoughts of God through Spirit.

As I communicate with family and friends on the "outside", I have come to realize that the most imprisoned anyone can be is within their minds. A friend in VA is homeless after her divorce and moves from friend to friend. My family have their problems. My partner continues to have problems as do other friends. My friend in Houston, writes that she feels like ending her life after a break up with a boy friend. I know that I don't live in denial about my situation now or the situations of the past. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, I believe that God breathed an equal amount of life into everyone of us and created us all equal. I am no different from anyone else. I believe I am moving into a state of awakened living in which I know that for me life is about forgiveness and gratitude. Every eye I look into is a child of God, therefore incapable of hurting me. Every belief we have about another is determined by our perception. I choose to see every encounter with everyone as an opportunity to forgive something within myself or something to celebrate. If I feel irritation from another's actions I know this person is simply awakening an ancient memory within me that is crying to be healed through forgiveness. This person is a mirror for me for which I am grateful. Without saying anything to the person I ask God to forgive me for holding onto this memory and manifesting it by projecting the memory through this individual. I then give the memory to Spirit to clean, clear, purify and transmute into pure divine light. Sweetheart, in a matter of seconds I feel a surge of wonderful energy move through me that I know is forgiving this memory which may have been hiding in my DNA for many lifetimes. The more I forgive the lighter I feel within my Spirit. It is truely wonderful to be free in this respect. Any situation I can't seem to grasp I forgive it. I am told it is just as important to forgive a cold as it is a person. If I fear anything, I forgive the memory of fear. The forgiveness! prayer is something I use within my own mind without the need to bring it to any one's attention because it is my memory that is playing out. We cannot be in charge of our next thought, but we can be in charge of how we allow that thought to play out. Thoughts pop up from our ancient memories and they are not always pretty. But if I am uncomfortable with a thought and it doesn't feel happy, I forgive it and release it for healing.

Know that I love you without doubt in your mind. Know that I wish you peace within. I will always keep you in my thoughts and prayers of light. I know who you are. I know the gifts you have. God breathed life into you, therfore, you are the Mind of God and the Life of God. You are my sister.


I have asked Ron's permission to publish his story and his loving message to me in the hopes that it will touch countless hearts around the globe. Ron gave me his permission to write this article and this is the first run. I apologize if I have inadvertently made any errors. I will be forwarding this full message to Ron and having him check me for accuracy. If there are any adjustments required, I will promptly make those changes and repost.

As you can see, Ron is a pure shining light of God's love, and one of my greatest mentors. The truth is we all walk our walk without anyone know our true understanding, but each of us is equally connected to the love life force of the great creator. Ron's message was a great reminder for me of who I am, and how to cope in a world that in mentality can look most harsh.

It is my hope that this message is a message of light for all who receive it. As always, I welcome your contact, your responses, your thought and needs. The purpose of my blog is to bring light to the world, we are all in the human condition, helping one another is our greatest gift. I love you all...


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Re-creation / Shedding Skin

Greetings All:

It has been a long time since my last published writing.
i am in a state of great transition. I am in a position of
re-creation and some shedding of skin. I am coming through
the shedding, and feel a quick approach to the re-creation.

Know YOU are loved!


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Card of the Day - Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Card of the Day for today, Wednesday, January 30, 2008 is the Magician. This as many of you know is the ruling card of the Tarot Deck. The Magician is representative of God, creator, great spirit. I feel to highlight that the table in front of the Magician contains symbolism of each of the four suits of the Tarot, which represent the varying aspects of life. All being represented is a magnificent symbol that we have all we need for the journey, and all we need for the battle.
Many report to me now advising me of tremendous changes that are taking place in their lives. Many people are seemingly struggling right now in various facets of life, but the Magician falls to remind us that we have all we need for this journey and we are not alone. Nothing is put forth upon us that we can not bare.
Magician urges us to maintain our faith. Not only does the Magician yield promise to the fact of change leading to tremendous positivity, but he promises us to be able to thrive. He promises great change for this planet, and the nations upon it.
Magician promises that things in our political world are going to start moving at a much faster pace. Magician promises to separate the wheat from the chaff and fortify all of us with unlimited prospects for new beginnings...

It is OK to be angry at circumstances, but in the same breath do not claim yourself as one at fault. Express the upset in a positive, and watch the shifts begin! Keep breathing, do all you can to love and help others, be especially loving to yourself and those around you. Dare to trust in the great magnitude of what you are doing in doing the above.

Love and Light,


Sunday, January 27, 2008

Card of the Day - Sunday, January 27, 2008

Today's card of the day is the TWO OF CUPS. What a wonderful card. This card is especially great in the energies of good communications. It is probable that now that we are moving quickly towards a Mercury retrograde, which will start in just a few days, that we receive this blessed reminder of spirit to maintain positive energies in our ability to communicate quite effectively. It is important with this card as our guide, to really take care in our communications. Be impeccable in our words, check our intentions for a higher greatness, as well as not taking things too personally. The two of cups asks us to bring love into our communication, say what needs to be said, but find the best way to say it, so as to have the greatest result. As long as love is in your intention, you have nothing to concern you. This is also a great time for those seeking to start new relationships. Throw away your list of requirements and take a chance. Love is probably a lot closer than you think. Do not second guess yourself. Step out in faith. Have fun.

Love and Light,


Thursday, January 17, 2008

Spirit Writing 01-05-2008

The following is a spirit writing which came to me on January 5, 2008. I have reviewed it, but have not edited any of the contents. I welcome your comments.

I came as but a prophet , way before my time.

I came as a light.

The agreement I made with this Universe, as a whole, for this incarnation, was to show up, out of my league, in the face of danger, in a world full of obscurity, confusion, corruption, and collision, I came but to shine a (the) light of peace, of love, and of unity, and pray that all would see., allowing no man, no woman, no child, no race, to ever remain in darkness, who desires to not remain in darkness. I came trusting the belief that all others carried within themselves, the undeniable hope and desire to do the same.

One Light
One Heart
One Soul … One by one…

All one in the light of unity,
With liberty, and justice for all.

The age that passes away must see
Its great success, and gauge its progress,
Not bound by goals left unachieved.

Age unfolding:
Illuminated now seeing clearly the radiance of truth.
That all are one, and one are all in the essence of equality.

One can be as one chooses to be, but with the wisdom and
Responsibility that those quickened do clearly see all intention
Fully in sight,
By their light.

That which is as separating the wheat from the chaff
Is to achieve and dwell well and freely, as opposed to
Extinguishing all energy in an attempt to convince others
That One has been created instead of still being in creation.
And then truth: That Creation is Eternal, all are one,
one are all, and all shall always be
Evolving, at a directed pace, until all lights shine equally.
Intention is the flame.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Spiritually Speaking - Please Comment!!!

I just finished another semester at school, got an "A" and am discovering a strong love for writing!

I'd love to do a little research, with your help, and publish an article based on the responses I receive to a spiritual question. This will open a forum for sharing and growth,as the responses come in and I write my article.

I'd ask anyone, anywhere, from any walk of life, who reads this BLOG to please comment on this article and send me an answer to the following questions:

What is Integrity?

What does Integrity mean for you?

Any anecdotes would be great!!!

Be specific! Give me some EXAMPLES

The more answers I get the more I will be able to share!

