Greeting Loved Ones:
I know it has been quite a while since my last published post to my blog, August 1, 2008 to be exact. This has been a hard time for many of you, and for me as well. I have been dealing with issues on numerous fronts: economical, physical, emotional, and spiritual. I had also been putting in quite a bit of time and energy and centered focus on our recent 2008 United States election.
This election, I believe to be a major spiritual turning point for the planet. The universal scale is tipping at an alarming rate, which has began to bring forth a "separation of the wheat from the chaff" so to speak, or the release of all that does not work, to create the ability to embrace all that does. It is through this process that we will come to the true essence of spirit and begin a new level of universal spiritual growth. I feel in my heart, truly, that this posting is a true and needed message from spirit. I ask from the bottom of my heart, that you read through it in its entirety, agree or disagree. Then with a true open heart, watch the video, posted at the end of this article.
We as a planet have come to a difficult doorway. Our planet is in the throws of rapid physical changes, which are increasing in speed at an alarming rate. However, in addition to these physical Earth changes, we as souls on this endangered planet also find ourselves in danger spiritually.
Many on this planet have taken a stand, focused completely on MONEY, WEALTH, POSSESSIONS, and POWER, which have dangerously become icons of our definition. At this spiritual juncture, however, we have seen in recent days that these icons have began to be stripped away. Why? Because Spirit is asking us to look inward. Spirit is asking us to turn our heads and our hearts from selfish snobbery, greed, and class ism ( all illusions), and to embrace that which is true inherently in our hearts, and in the depth of what we know to be true in our spirits. It takes strength and faith to embrace.
In review of pretty much every major religion on the face of the Earth, the keystone for each, the foundation for all is LOVE. Spirit is asking us to forgo our focus on that of the physical and to shift our focus to be on the spiritual (that which is true in our hearts and our spirits). I have always taught that the thought of Spirit flowing through us is our first thought, and the second thought is always one arguing with the first. It is important now more than ever to listen, and have the courage to stand grounded in that first thought trusting that it will lead us to truth and the fulfillment of all that we could ever need or desire. We are challenged at this time to create a level of faith within ourselves that puts to rest all old illusionary thinking, and to satisfy all our sense of need. Our world has spun fueled with selfish indignant greed, and spirit is quickly pulling back the veil to reveal the truth; the essence of love.
Our world powers have been ruling from this standpoint of selfish indignant greed. Our nation's current administration, and others around the world have fought tooth and nail to conceal physical planetary changes, and have joyously ruled from greed. The truth is however, if we have love of ourselves and those with whom we share this planet, and act in respect, honor, and love we will truly have all we need. Our faith will simply provide as needed. However, we must live in a true state of faith and selfless love. It requires strong faith, the belief in the evidence of things unseen.
It is here that I wish to humble myself and to be absolutely clear. I am not speaking to any of you from a platform of pedestal. I am speaking to you as an equal, because I am truly no different, better or worse than you in any way. The truth is we are (all living things on the planet) equal. We are all here to love, to assist, to provide, to love each other. The truth of the matter is, that I struggle with "my stuff" as much as you struggle with "your stuff". Some of it is the same, and some of it is as different as far as the East is from the West, but we must still love and respect one another without judgement.
I have come to strive so fervently to remain in a place of love and non-judgement regardless of what I see in front of me. The judgement of others, is a dangerous practice that eventually leads us right back to our place of indignant greed, and competition with one another on any level. I note strongly that dismissing my judgements of others aids me significantly in maintaining a higher sense of love for humanity. For this and the learning of this lesson, I am forever thankful. Again, I speak to you from not from a soapbox, but as an equal. I strive to choose in all circumstances to love you without judgement.
Recently, through the loss of a friendship, for which I had very high hopes, I came to know and understand a powerful part of my mission on this planet. Although the loss of my friend has been hard, I am grateful for the opportunity to know and understand this level of my specialness that I chose prior to my birth. It was told to me in a prophecy in the Pentecostal Church at 14 that God had chosen me for the purpose of loving his people in his name (his highest gift). The truth is this EVERYONE has this opportunity, if we can make the choice in faith to embrace it. I have come to know that the administration of this gift flows through me it teaching the casualness of Spirit and Spirituality. It is truly a simple act; just choose in all things to be loving and without judgement. Truly easier said than done. It is easy to reflect this to the aid of others, but especially difficult when it comes to ourselves, we find our greatest subject of judgement ever. So I am here to teach love. The truth, is so are you. In all things we have a choice to act in love or in fear. In acting in love we abolish fear, in acting in fear, we open the door for continued negative vibration.
I want to say here that I feel such love in my heart for each and all of you. I have beautiful teachers out there in YOU, who mirror to me without judgement. I bless you and thank you. For those of you who have chosen to act in judgement of me, God Bless You and know YOU are loved. My friend who has just recently chosen to judge me based on my sexual orientation, you are loved. Those who have discontinued connection with me because we have a variance in our expression and goals, you are loved. Those who have chosen to choose what appears to be a winning side, you are loved.
Speaking of the elections, love and judgement, I wish to share this most powerful message to you. For months on end I have sat at the keys trying with everything inside me to bring forth a message regarding Proposition 8, the Gay Marriage Ban recently PASSED in California. NOTHING could come out of me. My heart screams not in judgement, but in love about this initiative and yet try as I may, I continue to find myself mute and unable to bring forth the words of the truth of my soul as a GAY man. I realized tonight that I was simply not the man for this job. It was not my ministry to write this message, however, I have found someone who I believe truly has been chosen. I viewed the attached video of a commentary by Keith Olberman, who quite literally has spoken with great fluency every word of my soul regarding the issues of PROPOSITION 8, LOVE, EQUALITY, SPIRITUALITY, RELIGION, AND JUDGEMENT. Please take strong notice that the passage of this proposition was a JUDGEMENT. One very strongly rooted in various fears.
The message of spirit tonight is one of turning from judgement to the embrace of unconditional love. This is the issue at hand and the choice of our planet at this time: Love vs Judgement.
This message is going out to BLUE STATES as well as RED STATES, to democrats and republicans, straight households and gay, to those who voted to ban gay marriage in California, and those who vehemently fought against it, and to those in all corners of the world. The truth is, that regardless of what our viewpoints may be on any issue, we are still united as inhabitants of this universe. Again, the message here is one of love. It has been sent with the purpose of education. I ask with total sincerity that you simply view the video in its entirety just as I asked you to read this message. Further, I would lovingly request and urge you to listen with an open mind, and open heart, and from the viewpoint of only love. Afterwards, I ask that you dare to stand up and act in accordance with that which you truly feel from the love of your heart. Act from what your heart sings as loving truth. That is spirit's gift to us all, and what makes us truly authentic.
In conclusion, I feel the need to tell each of you who reads this that I love you. Yes, even if I do not know you, and have never met you, talked to you, or worked with you in any manner, I love you. I am human, I make mistakes every day just like you. I am human. I hurt. I struggle. I fear. However, I also grow just like each and every one of you.
I welcome all your questions comments with love. May your soul bask in peace and you heart shine with love always.
I have made many attempts to copy this video directly into my blog to no avail, so please copy and paste the following link into your web browser: