Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Happy Holidays
I have had limited internet conncection this Holiday Season, thus the delay in saying Happy Holidays. New Posts are in progress, until then... Joyous Holidays.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
My Yule Time Meditation Message
I gave myself the gift of a deep meditation this evening in the celebration of Yule.
The experience was so cleansing, and the vision so clear. My meditation immediately shifted to vision, which is always the BEST! My vision was this:
I saw myself in my office chair. I saw myself with a buzzing energy about myself, the vision shifted then to show me an evolution in my readings that I am approaching. The image that I saw it appeared to me as if I was being surrounded by a vibrant cord of light, and that cord sealed around my aura, as information flowed through me as a vessel. The light, the color, was utterly amazing. I welcome that image of divine protection, and clear understanding. The colors were vivid and the energy was amazing... I
I wanted to thank the Universe publicly for such a divine healing!
A fellow reader recently enscribed her book for me and said not to forget that you are part of the miracle. Amen...
To each miracle out there - Thanks for showing up to share the planet.
Love and Light,
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Dear Terry:
This is the first Dear Terry posting. To read my response, click the word comments at the conclusion of this article. You may also leave your comments to Worried Guy, and to me as well... I greatly appreciate all feedback.
I don't know if this is relevant to this.....but everyone I know and I like as a person has had a bad year of 2007 and although there is hope in sight, but it seems like things are moving slow.....then when I combine this with other bigger problems that affect a larger population like global warming, impending slow down in economy, war, terrorism....it is difficult to imagine a truly happy time in the near future.....am I being too pessimistic? what do you think?
-Worried Guy-
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
My entire decision to become a reader was to offer loving assistance through the use of my spiritual gifts. It is always a pleasure to be of service. It is always a blessing to be a part of beautiful changes, and recreations in the lives of others. I am thankful to all you, who let me know on a regular basis that I am loved and appreciated, and want to tell you that your appreciation is most helpful, and I sincerely thank you.
I would like to announce a new BLOG project called DEAR TERRY. It will work very much the way advise columns would work in any newspaper, only the response would be from me, by blog post, and viewable to everyone everywhere who ever reads my BLOG. People can comment in via post as well. This would be a wonderful form of spiritual communication and assistance for growth.
Once this post is up you may feel free to submit your DEAR TERRY questions to me, and then can find your reply post right here. My sense is to say, a question you may have may be shared by hundreds or thousands of people around the world. You may be the one who has the courage to ask. Your question, my answers, our communication, may just help someone else in a similar process. What a wonderful way to play it forward. Let's communicate and help eachother all over the world.
To submit a DEAR TERRY question for review, and posting with response simply click the pencil or the word comment directly below this article. This gives you the ability to post a comment or question. I'll happily post my response to your comment via re posting here on the BLOG.
Please do not send anything you do not want to see in print. There is a strong worldwide audience. Let's promote some wonderful spiritual growth.
I am so very excited!!!
Love and Light,
Monday, December 17, 2007
New Forecasts Coming! / New Ideas!
In the meantime, I would like to bring attention to everyone, that you are welcome and encouraged to communicate with me via my blog. Click the link immediately following any post, and it opens a message box to send me a message. What are your comments? What are your spiritual questions? I would like to start a DEAR TERRY colum right here on my blog. If you would like to submit a question, something that you would ask in front of the whole world, and have me answer you via Blog Post.
I am wanting to experiment with a BLOG Discussion as well sort of a Forum! I will be posting a question and I ask that everyone checking in all over the world, let me know what you think. I will post your comments, and add my own as well. Let's get involved in spiritual conversation via this wonderful medium of BLOG.
Start sending your questions!!! Post them HERE, I will post my response!!!
If you want to submit a Dear Terry... Put Dear Terry as the Header!!!
Be thoughtful, this is a worldwide blogcast. Be kind, we are trying to promote love and spiritual growth at this site. If you feel you have support, or want to comment to a post submitted by someone else, let's share and grow together.
Love and Light,
Friday, December 14, 2007
OnLine Scheduling Up and Running Beautifully
Important Schedule Change Information
The shift to Online Scheduling is a huge one for me, but this shift is also partnered with a huge change in my schedule, and office hours. Here, in brief, is what is happening:
I started back to college a few years ago and am working toward a Psychology Degree. I am loving school, and happily carrying a good 3.75 GPA. This next semester, I plan to take a larger class load, and that is making some change in schedule.
In May, I started to have office ours at 2 other venues on varying Fridays. This has been wonderful for me. I have been well received and am currently looking to create a Friday a month in two new locations: Fresno and Santa Cruz.
In June, I moved from my home in Pacifica to a cute apartment in the Outer Sunset near the Zoo. I have decided to start offering office hours from my home office as well as the main office in the Castro.
Moreover, there are other changes that have occurred that are of even greater importance. The Shift Happens Center/Office is now being shared. Not only is SHIFT HAPPENS the base of my work and ministry, but it has also become the base and ministry for Reverend Drew Vogt and The NEWLIFE SPIRITUALIST COMMUNITY. The Church is already seeking larger church space, but has come home to SHIFT HAPPENS to make themselves a base, and satellite location in which to have personal consultations, and base for classes and workshops offered by the community.
All these wonderful changes at the end of a "9" year of conclusion feels really right to me. I must say I am excited that Shift Happens.
Here are changes to Schedule and Office Hours:
My Schedule:
Monday - Home Office Available Hours 12:00 P.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Outer Sunset (One Block Off "L-TARAVAL at 40th Avenue)
Tuesday - Wednesday - CASTRO OFFICE -
Available Hours:
Tuesday 1:30 P.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Wednesday 12:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M
Thursday - HOME OFFICE Available Hours 12:00 4:30
Friday Malaya Center Pleasant Hill, CA 12:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. (Every Third Friday)*
Friday Sacred Path Bookstore, San Mateo, CA 12:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. (Every Second and Fourth Friday)*
Saturday - Sunday Expo/On-Tour 10:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. **
*Verify in schedule. Some exceptions exist
**Verify Dates, Locations, and Time
***Possible New Location 2008
So... That sums it all up...
If you have any questions, I welcome you to call or e-mail. I will be happy to assist in any way.
I wish everyone a PEACEFUL, JOYOUS, PROSPEROUS Holiday and HAPPY Year of NEW BEGINNINGS 2008!!!
Love and Light,
P.S. Don't Forget!!! Online Scheduling is now available. Click the link in the upper right of the BLOG...
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Online Scheduling Now Available!!!
I am overjoyed to say that SCHEDULING ONLINE is now in place, and operational for any dates beginning January 1, 2008. This is a big step for me and my practice. There are some potential blips when a change is made to an automated system. I appreciate your patience as the transition is made. You will be amazed at the higher level of customer service that will be available to you, through this automated system:
My hope of course, to make my professional services available as conveniently, and at good value as possible. Although most of us have cell phones, and are in communication, we often miss one another, and end up playing telephone tag for days and days. I am confident that YOU will be most pleased with Online Scheduling. There are valuable and time savings advantages to Online Scheduling. Here are just a few:
Appointment Scheduling 360 days forward
Wait listing
Change Schedule/Reschedule
Automated Cancellation
E-mail Notifications of:
Appointment Reminder
Confirmation of Cancellation
Automated Wait list Processing
E-Mail Wait list Clearance Notification
And Much much more...
Over the next few weeks the color and text, pictures and image is going to be changing. Again, your patience is appreciated in this great transition. If you have suggestions, I appreciate them immensely.
To use Automated Scheduling click the link in the upper right: Schedule Online
Once at the link, you will be prompted to register with the scheduler. Once registered, you will be able to log in and take advantage of the benefits of this service. I am excited and know you will love Online Scheduling.
You can still contact the office by phone or e-mail to make appointments as well!
It is always as usual, a joy and pleasure to be of service!
Happy Holidays!
Love and Light,
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I am very happy to announce that within the next few days clients from around the world will be able to reserve, confirm, change, and cancel their appointments with me online. This is an option that I have been considering for a long time, but with recent telephone issues, and the high cost of hiring office staff, it just makes sense to me to add the extra convenience of on-line booking... I am so excited about this move toward better service.... Soon, very soon, I will be posting another update that gives all the detailed information and links to the on-line appointment scheduler. If you have ANY questions, or concerns let me know...
Be assured that appointments will still be available via telephone, by calling my office to schedule...
Again, I am excited to be updating my service for you, my clients. It is a joy to bring and even higher level of convenience to your life as well as mine.
Love and Light,
Thursday, December 6, 2007
One of My Predictions Has Come True
Many who have seen me in the past six months have known how concerned I have been about the issues with the United States Economy and the issues with Sub-Prime Mortgages. I have predicted to many clients that there would be a step in by the United States Government in November to offer assistance to victims of the Sub-Prime mortgage. It was formally announced today by the leader of this country that a plan is in motion. Although it will assist only about 750,000 of the millions who are suffering, it is a step in a direction toward some help and work toward more of a stability of the economy.
As you all know, I am a clairvoyant and one of the difficulties in clairvoyance is understanding time correctly. My prediction has come true, 7 days late and outside the month of November, however, talks about this process began in early November.
If you have questions about things in the world that apply to all of us as a whole. Post these questios to my blog. I will be happy to read on them and give my answers.
Love and Light,
Telephone Issues
This week I made an unfortune discovery. My office telephone operates via Vonage service via the internet at my office. Whenever I am out of the office, my phone is always forwarded directly to my cell phone. However, since the middle of October there have been many intermitent incidents in which telephone messages have been
lost, and or misfiled. I just pulled over 70 messages off the voicemail system this week. Anyone who has been calling requesting service and not received a reply. Please call me again. It is very possible that your messages have been lost electronically. I apologize for the inconvenience. This issue, which has been corrected, has caused me numerous problems, and very low work load. I look forward to being of service.
Love and Light,
Purchase Readings and Gift Certificates via Blog
I am happy to announce this additional NEW SERVICE!!! As of today, readings, packages of readings, and gift certificates for my services are now available right here from my blog. To purchase, simply click the link to the right that states:
Give the Gift of Understanding. That will take you to my secure Pay Pal sight and allow you to make your purchases. Keep Checking in... More Services are soon to be added, ie. Online Appointment Scheduling!!!
Have a suggestion how I may better serve my clients? Please post it to my blog.
Love and Light,
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Card of the day - Wednesday, November 21, 2007
The card of the day for the day is the Six of Pentacles. This is an important card to be in play for the day before Thanksgiving. The Six of Pentacles is a card of generosity and positive assistance. There is a strong urging to be more considerate of others, and to yield assistance when possible. By all means the Six of Pentacles does not urge us to give beyond our means, but it does ask that we weigh the possibilities to be of help and assistance to those around us who we may find in need. Giving can be an important method of expressing gratitude for all that one has. Giving freely from a heart in a spirit of unconditional love allows the Universe to return to the giving heart multi-fold.
An Enjoyable and Incredibly Memorable Success
My booth at The Victory of Light Psychic Festival (Sharonville, Ohio)
My very special long time client Ernie and his friend Mary Beth, who had her first reading with me at the Victory of Light Psychic Festival this weekend.
Mary Bauer (Left) Owner of Mountain Top Bookstore where I began my career as a reader in 1984. Her business partner is shown on the right.
I am so happy to report that the Victory of Light Psychic Festival I exhibited in, in Cincinnati, Ohio (Sharonville Convention Center) November 17 - 18, 2007 was a phenomenal success. This event was started by Victor Paruta in 1992 in Covington, Kentucky. I always used to work this expo, when I lived in the Cincinnati area prior to 1997. In the beginning, the show would fill a single large conference room at a local hotel. I am so happy to report that it now fills an entire two story convention center in Sharonville, Ohio, a suburb of Cincinnati.
During this two day event, I saw more than 40 clients for personal readings. I also received more than 30 more subscribers to my blog newsletter as well. I gave away two free telephone readings in a drawing at the conclusion of each day.
To my absolute joy, I reunited with several very very close friends/clients that had left the area before and after I had left Cincinnati in 1997. Coming together truly by chance with loved ones I had not seen in as much as 18 years was a joyful and tearing experience. What a joy!!! I thank Spirit for the blessing of bringing us back together again. These reunions included a reconnection with Mary Bauer of Mountain Top Bookstore in Dayton, Ohio. This is the very place that I started doing readings for the public in 1984. If it were not for Mary, I would not be where I am today. Mary and I are currently working on setting some dates for me to return to the store, which is in a new location, to do readings again when I am in the Cincinnati and Dayton, Ohio areas.
I connected with many other friends and was discovered again by many clients who had worked with me when I was in the area. What a joyous success this expo was. I am so happy and blessed with the knowledge of how many amazing relationships I have been blessed with through my work with Spirit. It is with heartfelt gratitude that I do what I do. I love my work. I love the people I work for. What more could one ask for?
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Greetings from Cincinnati, Ohio
November 17 - 18. For more information about the festival visit the website at:
As usual, it is a joy to be home working with the clients I know and love here in the Mid-West. It is a joy to be alive, and a joy to be of service for spirit.
Wisdom on the run has been a great success... The comments coming in from this e-mail service have been very complimentary and appreciative. If you have not tried it, and would like to. Click the link above the visitor counter to be taken to the secure ordering site.
Keep breathing... Keep Loving... Keep following the will of spirit!
Love and Light,
Terry Yoder
Monday, November 12, 2007
New Posts in Progress
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Card of the Day - Saturday, November 3, 2007
Today, we have the Ace of Rods appearing as the card of the day. This is the Ace, the most unlimited aspect, of the energies of opportunity and communication. The Ace of Rods represents the energies of newness unlimited, and clarity in communication, and education. This is an excellent opportunity to take steps in new directions. Think big as you dive into the essence of newness... Today can be the beginning of something quite productive and fruitful, be it a clearing conversation, or the creation of a whole new level of life. Go for the gusto today!
Love and Light,
Friday, November 2, 2007
Card of the Day - Friday, November 2, 2007
The Heirophant is drawn as the Card of the Day for Friday, November 2, 2007. A fitting draw as THE HEIROPHANT is the card best symbolized as THE POPE. The Heirophant rules the aspects of one's spiritual truths.
Today, Friday, November 2, 2007 is THE DAY OF THE DEAD, a holiday celebrated throughout the world, a day designated as the day of all souls who have passed over. I feel the fall of The Heirophant is a powerful messenger today, asking us to walk in spiritual strength today, and remember with gratitude all those who have passed before us. Today is the day that we celebrate them. A fitting meditation today is to take a moment and just remember those from which you came. Those who have passed before you in all levels; Today is a day in which it's important to find grace in life. In honor of those who have passed, offer the love you have held for them to someone who is living and in their in their name. Buy some one's lunch. Do a favor for a friend. The Heirophant ask us to review our own spiritual beliefs and to put our faith into action. How best can you touch the world today?
Love and Light,
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tarot with Terry ON THE ROAD
I just have to say THANK YOU to the LOVELY people of Reno, Nevada, and the desert communities in and around Palm Springs, California. I just returned from both areas. In Reno, I worked at the RENO PSYCHIC Fair. This fair was a lovely two day event, produced by the Reno Psychic Institute. The show was well attended and a WONDERFUL experience. The attendees were just delightful, and the work we did at the show was extraordinary. It was such a pleasure to touch the hearts and lives of those who came for readings and messages from spirit. It is always such a joy, to be of service, and to make a difference in the lives of others.
The Holistic Living Expo in Palm Springs on October 28, 2007 was also a great experience. I was so delighted to meet a client from Alaska last year, who I had met on a phone reading after being referred to me by another Palm Springs client. After our first meeting in person last October, she said she would like to make it a yearly event to visit the desert and see me yearly. I was ecstatic to receive her call for another appointment this year at the Palm Springs Expo. It is such an honor to have such love and support, and to know that your work has touched someone in such a special way.
I am grateful for my lifetime career as a Clairvoyant Tarot Counselor. It has blessed me with the meeting of thousands of wonderful people. It has blessed me with the ability to allow spirit through me, to touch the lives of many one heart at a time. Again, it is a joy to be of service.
I have recently found through a friend many links to other expos throughout North America. Years ago, I assured spirit that I would go anywhere there was a demand strong enough to support my effort. With joy in my heart, I renew my promise to be of service to anyone I can. Thank you to the attendees in Reno, and Thank you to clients in the Palm Springs Desert area. You renew my love of what I do. I am grateful to you all. I again, renew my promise, that where called I will go.
This weekend I am already looking forward to the Holistic Living Expo in Fresno, California on November 4 and the Following weekend's two day event November 10-11 in San Diego, California.
I will be going to my home turf, Cincinnati, Ohio for the Victory of Light Show at the Sharonville, Ohio Convention Center November 17-18, will spend time with my family in Indiana for the Thanksgiving Holiday, and hope to see my valued clients in Portland, Oregon on Saturday, November 24th.
I graciously thank spirit for the ability to do what I do, and to love people all over the world. It is a blessing to love, support, honor, empower, and touch the lives of those who seek my service.
Love and Light,
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Card of the Day - tuesday, October 23, 2007
The card of the Day today is THe Moon. The Moon, one of the most mysterious cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot. The Moon is the reminder of hidden emotion, and the unspoken. Moon is the essence of the emotional, and the feeling. It is a powerful card to represent the aspect that one's emotions are of value; so much that spirit is working with you at the point of the emotional, at this time, to help bring clarity, and understanding. Sometimes this process can be blissful, and sometimes it can be brutal. Embrace this process, despite how it feels. The quicker one goes in, the quicker one can come out. The Moon expresses today to allow the feelings at the depths of your soul to flow gently to the surface. The purpose is to conduct a review of each, bring unfinished processes to completion, and allow us to release all the emotional waste left behind. As we approach Friday's Full Moon the emotional self could become more and more sensitive. Analize all that you see, without self judgement. Allow yourself to truly determine before speaking, that which is real, and that which is illusion. Remember, we are under the energy of a Mercury Retrograde, which does effect the way we see, and interpret communications. Be all the more gentle with yourself today through the end of the comming weekend. Connect with the feminine, or seek counsel from it. Breathe DEEPLY...
Love and Light,
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Card of the Day - Friday, October 19, 2007
Today's card of the day draws upon the victory of the Six of Rods. The Six of Rods is a very positive indicator of positive movement forward. It is the card of victory in the midst of battle. The message here is to relinquish the battle, as the battle has already been won. Strive today to feel the energy of your Guardian Angel. Know that there are several with you, ready to take on any battle for you, as long as you will it. It's appearing at this time that there is a lot of focus on the aspect of our staying out of our own way. Part of the human condition is that in our attempt to control, we end up taking on the battle, and our angels can be at a loss for what to do. They will not act outside our will, or without your permission. Six of Rods is the reminder that reinforcement is readily available, and you are NEVER alone.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Card of the Day - Thursday, October 18, 2007
The card falling for today is the High Priestess. This, the second most powerful card of the tarot, brings important insight. Communication has been a focus this week, a continued thread, throughout this week's readings. Again, Communication is what is controlled by the the Planet Mercury, and we are in the midst of a Mercury Retrograde period. With the High Priestess' energy coming to bless our day this is the significance:
We are urged today, to be very aware of the words that we say in all circumstances. There is a spiritual call to listen not only to what is said to you, but to what you are saying to yourself, and to others. This can be a great shock. As Florence Shinn titled her book in the early 1900's: "Your Word is Your Wand". This is important today. Is what is coming from your lips, or coming from your heart, directed to yourself or to others, what you really want to be said. Is it in congruence with what you want to create? High Priestess also falls to calm any misunderstandings. She urges a time of peace, forgiveness, reunification.
The High Priestess, does come with the guarantee that any lessons we may have regarding communication, relationships, and Spiritual truth will be learned and brought to full understanding. Learning will be processed in constant, until clarity abounds. This year being a "9" is of even greater significance. There is a heightened urgency in this matter, with High Priestess as the guide. Her essence is that of the Holy Spirit. Her draw; to allow all your words, thoughts, and deeds, to flow from Spirit. Ask daily that Spirit shine through your radiance, to touch and inspire you, and those you encounter during the day. Just making an effort, is a great undertaking. Be conscious... You'll be amazed.
Love and Light,
Card of the Day - Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Today's card of the day is The Sun. The Sun, is the most joyous card of the Tarot. The Sun has come today to bless us with lightness of mind and heart. The Sun falls today to remind us to remain in, or return to a place of gratitude for all that we have, in the pursuit of all that we want. This has been an ongoing theme in my own life and practice for several months now, and seems to be increasing in intensity. It is phisiologically impossible to experience stress in a state of deep breathing. If you are feeling tense today, The Sun, urges you to release it and to maintain composure as balanced as possible. If you take a moment and visualize the stress, and breathe in deeply, as if breathing in behind, or under the stress you feel, a strong forceful exhale or two, will make you feel much lighter and joyous. Now is a time to really focus on goals that would make you the most happy. Another sure tactic to encompassing this joy, is to do something to make someone else happy.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Card of the Day - Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Today's card of the day draws upon the energy of the most loving King of the entire deck of Tarot, the King of Cups. What a significance this King makes on a day in the beginning stages of a period in which the planet Mercury, the planet ruling communication, and putting things into action is in a retrograde cycle. My strong sense on the falling of the King of Cups today is to remind us to keep our communication strong, but loving. The suit of cups is the most emotional suit in the Tarot. The King of Cups, asks that we strive to communicate lovingly, but also very clearly, with understanding, and patience. It is often easy to misinterpret what one is being told, or what one is saying. Today is a day in which you will find it much more of an advantage to insure that communications are clear, and delivered with loving energy. Today is also a day in which loving energy promises to conduct much more readily. Random acts of kindness are in good order today. Think before you speak. Think before you respond. Be patient and slow to anger today. Things may not be as you have interpreted them. Focus on sharing the love in your heart.
Difficulty Posting from the Road
I would like to take this opportunity to let everyone know that I am back from my cross country trip and getting back into the groove again. I had traveled to Arkansas to assist my friend, actually the first person I ever read for in public in 1984. At 67 years old, she decided to move to California to work as a traveling nurse. She, being a nurse, came to help me when I first got out of the hospital last year. I was simply being of service to her in return for all she had done for me. It is pretty impressive that at 67, she has had the courage to leave practically everyone, and everything she knows, to begin a new life in California. It was beautiful to be a part of that.
While on the road, I encountered difficulty uploading to my blog. I am not sure why. I am getting things organized to begin blogging again as early as today.
Thanks to everyone who has forwarded my blog to others. I would ask that you continue to circulate my links to anyone you think would find it useful or interesting.
Love and Light,
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Card of the Day - Tuesday, October 9, 2007
I have tried to upload the card of the day for Tuesday, October 9, and Wednesday October 10th, but have not been able to get the forecasts uploaded with the images of the cards. I have reported the problem to Blogger, and hope to be back on line shortly with valuable Tarot with Terry Forecasts as soon as the system permits.
Please note as well that I am currently in transit across the United States, helping a friend move back to California. Internet access is limited to stops along the way. I appreciate your patience with me and the Tarot with Terry site.
Love and Light,
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Card of the Day - Monday, October 8, 2007
The card of the day today is the Ten of Pentacles. The Ten of Pentacles is the card of happy, joyous, partnerships, and marriage. It is a strong signification of peacemaking. In connection to this week's card of the week, there seems to be a a strong significance for good communication this week. It is possible that communications could be challenged this week, or today is a day in which communications can be restored in any area in which it might be necessary. Today is a good day to move forward in loving relationships. Today would be a good day to negotiate, communicate, and try to restore peace wherever possible.
Card of the Week - Week of October 8 - 14, 2007
Today's card of the week is The Four of Rods. The Four of Rods is the card of self-discovery. It's message to us this week, embrace freely this week your ability to see the depth of all experiences. Look deeper than normal at circumstances as they arise, there could be a great deal to see that may not normally be seen. It is important to center this week, and focus. The Four of Rods, is a card that suggests that more may be accomplished by working in pairs; two heads are always better than one. This suggests that growth could abound this week, by communicating your ideas, and truths to others for their opinion. My Grandmother always used to quote:
"Listen to the opinion of every man, but follow only your own." This week promises depth, and clear insight, but one has to be of an open heart to see it.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Card of the Day - Sunday, October 7, 2007
Today's card, The Chariot, is the foremost card of movement. This is a refreshing card to receive at the end of the week, as it strongly represents that a new wave of energy is upon us, and possibilities are high for a fresh new outlook, or new perspective. The Chariot promises motivation. Many have reported a sense of low energy of recent. It is highly possible that moving forward the majority will notice additional energy in their movement through everyday life. The Chariot will also work strongly in one's favor in the process of motivating actions that have been stagnate. This could help free up some energies and actually start showing some significant results. Results are what has been hoped for and worked for. Know now that most likely they are beginning to be on their way. Cherish all the newness brought in by The Chariot. His intention is to lift you forward into a position of much higher vibration. Careful you do not resist the very energy that is coming to be of service. Allow yourself to be motivated. Allow yourself the luxury of a new perspective. Let the creative, and stabilizing energies flow!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
NEW SERVICE!!! Wisdom on the Run!!!
I am ecstatic to tell you about the latest service I have launched. It is called:
Wisdom on the Run. It is a very powerful way in which you can receive your own personal reading, easily, conveniently, without even picking up the phone, or coming to the office. Wisdom on the Run is designed for your busy lifestyle. Maybe it is not convenient for you to come in for a reading. Maybe you don't even time to have a phone session, or even book one. Wisdom on the Run is the answer to this issue.
Wisdom on the Run is a e-mail based reading system. You click the Wisdom on the Run tab in the upper right hand corner of the BLOG and it will direct you to a purchase page. Here you may actually look at a sample of the product. The price of your reading is determined by the number of questions you ask.
In making your purchase, you are given an area to write your questions for me. Upon completion of your purchase these questions are sent to me immediately. I take the time to study your questions and to draw from the tarot and sources of spirit to give you the most concise answer possible. Your reply is put together in a very attractive written format, complete with copies of the cards drawn. Your reading is created on its own unique web link, which is sent to you and archived indefinitely. You can review your Tarot with Terry Wisdom on the Run reading as often as you like, or forward it to anyone you like. I hope you will agree that this is a great service. It is just now being launched. Try it today.
To get your e-reading with Wisdom on the Run at a special introductory price, simply click the WISDOM ON THE RUN tab on the upper right hand corner of the BLOG next to the counter. You will be directed to the Wisdom on the Run secure shopping cart for processing. You may also go directly to the link by typing the following link into your browser: http://www.terryyoder.com/wisdom.html
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Card of the Day - Saturday, October 6, 2007
Card of the Day - Friday, October 5, 2007
Card of the Day - Thursday, October 4, 2007
The Seven of Pentacles the card of blessings that follows hard work. It is the general representation of having come to recognize the fruits of one's labor. The Seven of Pentacles is a sure sign that balance is in the works and will remain or be restored in one's life.
A clear vision is coming to represent just what has been accomplished, and it is imperative that one be as open to receiving one's due. This is not a time to minimize your accomplishments. Breathe in the empowerment of what has been achieved and utilize that power to fortify your next project. Celebrating by being idle is not what is called for here. It is important to utilize your empowerment to keep yourself in flow and in a creative mode. You certainly will appreciate the fact that you did.
This could be a sign of new opportunities, or the change to a venue of great positivity. The Seven of Pentacles carries the message to empower the self. You deserve it!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Losing Faith
One point I think is most important right now is the realization that the entire planet is going through a tremendous amount of change. It can be understandable with all that is going on how people can feel as if they are loosing their faith. I do find it quite interesting that this has followed a tremendous amount of interest in the abolition of fear, the power of manifestation, the law of attraction, the secret, etc... So many people have recently been introduced to these possibilities for the first time.
Consider this truth: With Spirit it is very important that all you keep your focus on is that which you desire to achieve. The HOW, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, are not the questions upon which one should be placing one's focus. In fact, dwelling on these questions can actually, if not careful, be an expression of doubt which has great affect on one's ability to manifest.
When one affirms with Creator and Spirit that one wishes to manifest something, one must affirm the desire into the ether's and simply leave that which has been affirmed in place. Faith is required. When we leave our manifestation before Spirit and Creator it is in the hands of the unlimited. As soon as we take our manifestation back into our own hands, we are limited to the creation that we are capable. Frankly, I'd prefer to receive from an unlimited source, as opposed to that which I am capable.
Asking How expresses concern or doubt in the possibility of the process and can slow, or stop the flow of our manifestation. HOW is a dangerous contemplation.
I am learning that things rarely are what they appear. Something that one may assume to be a failure, could actually be a victory. Failure to view it as such, could create failure if one is not closely aware. Failure is a rare occurence. It does not have to be a possibility.
Asking When expresses concern about the timing of an event. It expresses the fear that it will not happen in time with what we want. Time is exceptionally dangerous to ponder as its whole concept is illusion. Spirit does not operate on a system of time. In asking when, all spirit hears is an unclear doubt.
Asking Where expresses concern that there is or isn't room in the world for your desire. Am I asking too much? Am I asking too little? Is there really any purpose for my desire? This can even lead one to doubts of one's purpose and value. All these questions can come forward from entertaining questions of where.
Asking WHY expresses concern that one is worthy of or valued enough to receive.
The lack of belief in one's ability, value, or worth to receive is a sure troublespot.
If we are asking HOW, WHEN, WHERE, and WHY we entertain doubt, which is a direct derivative of the energy of fear. Fear feeds into doubt to make it seem more inflated and more powerful. If we are lead down these paths, it creates more and more of a questioning, which weakens our original affirmation little by little.
Another area of danger in our ability to manifest is in the use of the word hope.
Often times, I will reveal great and amazing possibilities awaiting a client. Often times, once these great and amazing possibilities are presented as a possibility the immediate response from the client is:
"I certainly hope so!"
Stating that I hope so, is really a statement that you are hoping your greatness will come. Does it really have a choice? Yes it does, and it comes back to us. If we are living in doubt and fear we can choose not to accept such greatness. The better response to such a revelation of greatness would be:
"I certainly am open to receive that!" or "I welcome that!"
Making statements like these are open and accepting of the more positive result, and place no expectation on time, space, location, or possibility. They simply state a basic truth that you would be open to receive. It is also more apt with these responses that the openness will be one of faith and less interference with the process of manifestation. The likelihood of achievement here is much greater.
One other danger word in the course of manifestation and flow of positive energy is the word BUT. If someone states,
"I would love to be abundant, but my credit card debt is so high."
"I'd love to be happy in my job, but I just don't know what I want to do."
"I'd love to be in a joyous, loving relationship, but ..."
I hope this pattern of speech is very clear to all of you. Reading the statements above, all of which I have heard in real life, and used myself, are statements that are defeated. When we say BUT we divert the energy back to that which has blocked us. It gets the power, it creates the result.
If we can turn this around to statements such as:
"I would love to be abundant, and I can see myself debt free."
"I'd love to be happy in my job, and I know there is a perfect fit for me."
"I'd love to be in a joyous, loving relationship, and I welcome the perfect person to enter my life. "
My belief is that with much more focus on the law of attraction, and manifestation, many people have gotten frustrated, and thrown into a state of doubt by being pitfalled by statements and thoughts such as, but not limited to those above. The more and more people who fall victim to these type of statements the more frustration there is to be felt, the more the statements are felt, the stronger the frustration is.
The system is not broke. It does work. We have to go back and look at our thinking. All those who feel they are or have lost their faith, or are loosing it, I urge you to look again at those things that could cause feelings of failure or loss. Look deeply into this circumstances and see what possibilities for greatness there COULD be.
We never know how spirit is going to work a circumstance for us. If failure is not what you desire, then, as the capsule of God essence that each of us are, failure is NOT and acceptable outcome. I urge everyone to keep the faith. Remember to clear, and to keep your energies high. Creator has not forsaken anyone, nor does spirit intend to neither. Where and how are you being too hard on yourself? Where and how are you limiting your ability to manifest greatness? Feel no shame for it, simply shift the process... Share with friends and loved ones, and ask them to help you bring your language and thought patterns into a position of creation not destruction. Be open to making the shifts necessary. Find people to help support you, and for you to support. There is always safety in numbers. Let me know if there is any way I can help.
You are loved!
(415) 252-1098
Card of the Day - Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Card of the Day - Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
Card of the Day - Monday, October 1, 2007
Today's card of the day is the Eight of Cups. This is a symbol that change for the better is at hand. The Eight of Cups represents the aspect that the end of cycle of difficulty is now approaching. In this cycle of transition, it is most important to understand the probability that there are some things you may need to allow in the course of the actual period of change. Ironically, it is of great importance to consider wisely that which may be required of you. Are you here called to involve yourself in the patterns of change, or would spirit find you more perfectly placed in a position of complete release, where you are willing to let everything go? Creator's energy is such that great works of change can be achieve from either the action of involvement or the action of release.
That which is being traversed at this time is a space of limitation in fulfillment. Approach this with great joy and happiness. The result of this action is guaranteed to be wonderfully good. Once an arrival is made at the next point of destination, the sense of life appears to be much more light and free. This is most likely a strong contrast to what you may have been feeling recently. Today's card is a strong aide in the process of movement within the universal vibration of conclusion in which we currently find ourselves. Good things are definetly ahead.
It is important to determine which is your course of action. If you feel yourself called to action, then by all means, make a plan. Take the first step! A call to action comes, only in a time when we are in a position to act, and most positively shift our lives. If you feel yourself called to release, the by all means, start with that which has so strongly plagued your thoughts and caused you to feel held down. For those who may not be sure which call to action is necessary, I urge you to try both. Make a plan and take one, two, or at most three small steps on your plan. Silmutaneously, release that which has plagued your thoughts, and caused your recent sense of stagnation
This is a powerful card proposing promising change!!!
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Tarot With Terry
I am new to the world of blogging, so as I begin, I appreciate your patience!
My name is Terry Yoder and my life's work is that of a clairvoyant medium, and tarot counselor. I am based in San Francisco, California, but travel the state of California, Nevada, Oregon, and throughout the Mid-Western United States conducting private reading sessions, private reading parties, and speaking engagements, bringing valuable information to those seeking answers to valuable questions in their life. Questions about any subject matter. Anything that is important to someone, is a valid question for spirit.
I have done this work for over 28 years and I LOVE what I do. I find my work valuable, and very rewarding. It is a blessing to watch people heal through the work one does. I thank God the creator for allowing me to do this special work. I feel blessed.
My intention for this blog is to provide regular tarot forecasts free of charge to all who are interested. I plan to post daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly forecasts as time goes by. If you have found me, there are no accidents! I'd appreciate very much if you would share my blog with anyone you may think would be interested! I am just now in the learning stages of this new technology, and am working to learn as much as possible as quickly as I can. Again, I appreciate your patience!
There is more information about me, at my personal website: http://www.terryyoder.com/ . You are welcome to contact me for service if you like. It would be a pleasure to share my spiritual gifts with you. Additionally, you may subscribe to my FREE weekly newsletter at: http://www.tarotwithterry.com/ . Please note, that upon subscribing to Tarot with Terry, an automated e-mail will be sent to the subscribing e-mail address for your confirmation. Please, look for me in the spam folder if you do not find me in your in box. Sometimes, I end up in bulk mail folders. Your subscription will not begin until your confirming e-mail has been sent.
I would also like very much to offer a service of answering questions about clairvoyance, and psychic, tarot work on line for those who may have them. I'll be happy to provide answers to that which I know, and if I do not know, I will tell you, or try to refer you to someone who may.
I bless you for stopping by. Spread the word! It is a joy to be of service!
Terry Yoder