I have had limited internet conncection this Holiday Season, thus the delay in saying Happy Holidays. New Posts are in progress, until then... Joyous Holidays.
The Tarot Forecasts and Spirit Writings of Terry Yoder 415-252-1098
The Seven of Pentacles the card of blessings that follows hard work. It is the general representation of having come to recognize the fruits of one's labor. The Seven of Pentacles is a sure sign that balance is in the works and will remain or be restored in one's life.
A clear vision is coming to represent just what has been accomplished, and it is imperative that one be as open to receiving one's due. This is not a time to minimize your accomplishments. Breathe in the empowerment of what has been achieved and utilize that power to fortify your next project. Celebrating by being idle is not what is called for here. It is important to utilize your empowerment to keep yourself in flow and in a creative mode. You certainly will appreciate the fact that you did.
This could be a sign of new opportunities, or the change to a venue of great positivity. The Seven of Pentacles carries the message to empower the self. You deserve it!
Today's card of the day is the Eight of Cups. This is a symbol that change for the better is at hand. The Eight of Cups represents the aspect that the end of cycle of difficulty is now approaching. In this cycle of transition, it is most important to understand the probability that there are some things you may need to allow in the course of the actual period of change. Ironically, it is of great importance to consider wisely that which may be required of you. Are you here called to involve yourself in the patterns of change, or would spirit find you more perfectly placed in a position of complete release, where you are willing to let everything go? Creator's energy is such that great works of change can be achieve from either the action of involvement or the action of release.
That which is being traversed at this time is a space of limitation in fulfillment. Approach this with great joy and happiness. The result of this action is guaranteed to be wonderfully good. Once an arrival is made at the next point of destination, the sense of life appears to be much more light and free. This is most likely a strong contrast to what you may have been feeling recently. Today's card is a strong aide in the process of movement within the universal vibration of conclusion in which we currently find ourselves. Good things are definetly ahead.
It is important to determine which is your course of action. If you feel yourself called to action, then by all means, make a plan. Take the first step! A call to action comes, only in a time when we are in a position to act, and most positively shift our lives. If you feel yourself called to release, the by all means, start with that which has so strongly plagued your thoughts and caused you to feel held down. For those who may not be sure which call to action is necessary, I urge you to try both. Make a plan and take one, two, or at most three small steps on your plan. Silmutaneously, release that which has plagued your thoughts, and caused your recent sense of stagnation
This is a powerful card proposing promising change!!!